疫情期间线上学习调查报告-Report on online education during the COVID-19

   In order to implement the requirements of the Ministry of Education on "stopping classes without stopping learning" during the COVID-19, universities in China have used intelligent teaching tools such as "Classroom Pai", "Rain Classroom" and "Superstar" to conduct online education. This questionnaire aims to further understand the online education situation of each university and understand the evaluation of students' satisfaction with online education.
1 、基本信息- The basic information
* 您的性别:
What is your sex?
* 你的出生年份
How are you old?
* 你所在年级
What grade are you in?
* 你所在学校的地区
Where is your college located?
* 你所在学校的性质
What is nature of your college?
* 你所在的学科
what is your subject?
* 疫情之前是否使用过线上教学
Have you used online education before the COVID-19?
* 疫情期间是否使用过线上教学
Have you used online education during the COVID-19?
2、 线上教学环境及支持-The environment and support of online education 
2.1. 下列是各种平台技术服务的描述,您总体评价是
2.1. The following is a description of the various platform technology services, what is your overall assessment?
* 网络速度的流畅度
The fluency of network speed
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 平台运行的稳定度
The stability of the platform operation
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 画面音频的清晰度
The clarity of the picture and the audio
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 师生互动的即时度
The immediacy of teacher-student interaction
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 作业提交的顺畅度
The smoothness of job submission
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 工具使用的便捷度
The ease of use of tools
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 总体评价
The comprehensive assessment
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
2.2. 下列对线上学习的服务保障的描述,您认为:
2.2. The following description of online education service guarantee, what is your opinion?
* 网络条件对线上学习的支持
How the network conditions support the online education
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 各类教学平台对线上学习的支持
The various teaching platforms support  the online education
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 电子图书资源对线上学习的支持
E-book resources support online education
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 为学生提供教学平台使用培训
Provide training for students to use the teaching platform
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 为学生提供线上学习方法培训
Provide training for students on online education methods
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 学校政策对于线上学习的支持(如学分认定、学业评价标准等)
colleges' policy support for online education (such as credit recognition, academic evaluation standards, etc.)
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
3、线上学习体验- The experience of online education
* 3.1. 是否接受过线上教育的相关培训?
3.1. Have you received any training in online education?
* 3.2. 您对线上各种教学平台技术掌握的熟练程度:
3.2. What is your proficiency in various online teaching platform technologies?
3.3. 下列是线上教学的主要教学模式,您比较倾向于哪种模式的学习:
3.3. The following are the main teaching modes of online education. Which one do you prefer?
* 直播
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 录播
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 文字+音频
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 线上互动研讨(包括答疑、辅导等)
Online interactive seminars (including Q&A, coaching, etc.)
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 教师提供材料,学生自学
Teachers provide materials and students study on their own
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
7. 对教师线上教学主要环节的评价
7. The evaluation of the main links of online teaching
* 课堂讲授
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 实验演示
The demonstration of experiments
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 课堂研讨
The discussion in class
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 课堂提问
Asking question in class
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 课堂小测验
The test in class
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 布置作业
Assign homework
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 课后答疑辅导
Answering and answering questions after class
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 提供材料供学生自主学习
Provide materials for students to study independently
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
8. 对线上教学效果的总体评价
8. An overall evaluation of the effectiveness of online teaching
* 课堂直播效果
The effect of class broadcast
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 课堂录播效果
The effect of class recorded
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 文字音频效果
The effect of text+audio
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 与老师课内外的交流互动
Communicate and interact with teachers in and out of class
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 课程配套电子教学资源
Course supporting electronic teaching resources
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 网络提交作业
Submit the homework through the network
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 教师反馈作业
The teachers' feedback about homework
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 同学间互助讨论
Discussion between classmates
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 使用网上各种学习工具
Use various online learning tools
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 对线上教学的总体满意度
Overall satisfaction with online education
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
9. 线上学习优缺点的评价
9.Evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of online education
* 突破时空限制,可以随时随地学习
Break the limit of time and space, you can learn anytime and anywhere
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 可以反复回放,便于知识复习巩固
Can be repeated playback, easy to review and consolidate knowledge
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 可以让名师名课充分共享
Can let the teacher and class fully share
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 可以让学生充分表达关注的问题
It allows students to express their concerns
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 方便学生之间交流与协作
Facilitate communication and collaboration among students
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 有助于学生自主学习能力培养
Helps students develop independent learning skills
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 学生可以按需选择学习内容,提高学习效率
Students can select learning content on demand to improve learning efficiency
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 教师无法即时了解学生的学习状态
Teachers do not have instant access to students' learning status
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 教师无法及时了解学生知识掌握情况
Teachers are unable to keep track of students' knowledge
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 教师无法第一时间反馈学生关注的问题
Teachers are unable to give feedback on student concerns in time
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 缺乏老师现场指导和督促,课堂纪律松驰
Lack of teacher's on-site guidance and supervision, loose classroom discipline
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
* 学生过分依赖回放功能,认为听不明白还可以重学,课堂学习效率下降
Students rely too much on the playback function and thinking that they can relearn if they don't understand, which reduces the efficiency of classroom learning.
  • 很不满意(Very dissatisfied)
  • 很满意(Very satisfied)
10. 影响线上学习效果的最主要因素
10. The most important factors affecting the effectiveness of online education
* 教学平台功能及稳定性
The functions and stability of the teaching platform 
* 线上技术服务支持
The support of online technical service 
* 提供课程配套电子教学资源
Provide e-learning resources to accompany courses
* 选择适合线上教学的课程内容
Selecting the right course content for online education
* 教师对教学的态度及精力投入
Teachers' attitudes and energy devoted to teaching
* 教师的教学策略及讲授(演示)方法
Teachers' teaching strategies and teaching (demonstration) methods
* 选择适当的评价方式方法
Selecting appropriate evaluation methods and approaches
* 掌控和维持好课堂教学秩序
Control and maintain good order in the classroom
* 配备一定数量的课程助教
A certain number of course teaching assistants are available
* 教师对教学平台和工具的熟悉程度
Faculty familiarity with teaching platforms and tools
* 教师的教学空间及设备支持
Teaching space and equipment support for teachers
* 学生对教学平台和工具的熟悉程度
Students' familiarity with teaching platforms and tools
* 学生积极参与
Active student participation
* 学生自主学习能力
Student self-directed learning ability
* 良好线上学习行为习惯(如按时上课,学习自律能力等)
Good online study behavior (e.g., attending classes on time, study self-discipline, etc.)
* 学生的学习空间及终端设备支持
Learning space and terminal equipment support for students
* 学校对线上教学的政策支持
School policy support for online education
11. 线上学习存在的最主要问题
11.  The most important problems with online education
* 网络速度及稳定性差
Poor network speed and stability
* 教学平台功能不完善及稳定性差
Poor functionality and stability of the teaching platform
* 线上技术服务支持跟不上
Online technical service support can't keep up
* 提供课程配套电子教学资源不足
Inadequate provision of e-learning resources to accompany courses
* 部分教学内容不适合线上教学
Some teaching content is not suitable for online teaching
* 教师对教学的态度及精力投入不够
Teachers do not have enough attitude and energy for teaching
* 教学策略及教学方法不适应线上教学
Teaching strategies and teaching methods are not adapted to online teaching
* 教育评价方式方法不适合网上教学
Educational evaluation methods and approaches are not suitable for online teaching
* 课堂教学秩序不好(如无关群聊问题干拢上课等)
Poor classroom order (e.g. irrelevant group chat issues dry up the class)
* 没有课程助教或数量不足
No or insufficient number of course assistants
* 教师对教学平台和工具的不熟练
Teachers' lack of proficiency with teaching platforms and tools
* 教师的教学空间环境及设备支持不足
Insufficient support for teachers' teaching space environment and equipment
* 学生对教学平台和工具的不熟练
Students' lack of proficiency with teaching platforms and tools
* 学生自主学习能力弱
Weak independent learning ability of students
* 学生参与度不够
Lack of student engagement
* 学生未养成线上学习的良好习惯(如按时上课,学习自律能力等)
Students have not developed good habits for online learning (e.g., attending classes on time, ability to learn self-discipline, etc.)
* 学生的学习空间环境及终端设备支持不够
Insufficient support for students' learning space environment and terminal devices
* 学校对线上教学的政策支持不足
Insufficient policy support from schools for online teaching
11. 线上学习对学生的最大挑战
11.  The biggest challenge of online education for students
* 对各种平台和学习工具的熟悉和掌握
Familiarity and mastery of various platforms and learning tools
* 对自主学习能力提出更高要求
Higher demand for independent learning skills
* 需要更强自律性,养成良好的线上学习行为和习惯
Need to be more self-disciplined and develop good online learning behaviors and habits
* 需要加强与同学之间的互助协作
Need to strengthen the collaboration with classmates
* 提高课堂听课效率,避免浪费时间
Improve classroom listening efficiency and avoid wasting time
* 学习任务量、挑战度增加
Increased volume and challenge of learning tasks
* 网络资源广泛,需要批判性、研究性学习
Extensive online resources, need for critical, research-based learning
4、Improvement of online teaching
12. Attitude toward the continued use of online teaching after the COVID-19
* 疫情过后,您对继续采用线上教学的态度
Your attitude towards the continued use of online teaching after the COVID-19
  • 不接受(Very unacceptable)
  • 非常接受(Very acceptable)
* 疫情过后,您对采用“线上+线下”混合式教学的态度
After the COVID-19, your attitude towards the adoption of "online + offline" blended teaching
  • 不接受(Very unacceptable)
  • 非常接受(Very acceptable)
13. 对疫情之后继续采用线上教学的改进意见
13. Suggestions for improving the continuation of online teaching after the COVID-19
* 提高网络速度及稳定性
Improve network speed and stability
* 改善平台的功能及稳定性
Improve the functionality and stability of the platform
* 加强线上技术服务支持
Enhance online technical service support
* 加大课程配套教学资源建设
Increase the construction of teaching resources to support the curriculum
* 精选适合线上教学的教学内容
Selected teaching content suitable for online teaching
* 教师加大教学精力投入
Teachers invest more energy in teaching
* 改变教学策略及教学方法
Improve students' independent learning skills
* 改革教育评价方式方法(如加大平时测验、课堂测验或作业等)
Reforming education evaluation methods and approaches (such as increasing regular tests, classroom tests or homework assignments, etc.)
* 加强课堂教学秩序管理
Strengthen the management of classroom teaching order
* 配备课程助教
Assign course assistants
* 加强线上教学的相关培训
Enhance training related to online teaching
* 进一步改善教师教学空间环境及设备
Further improve the teaching space environment and equipment for teachers
* 加强学生对教学平台和工具使用引导
Enhance student guidance on the use of teaching platforms and tools
* 提高学生的课堂参与度
Improving student engagement in the classroom
* 提高学生的自主学习能力
Improve students' independent learning skills
* 引导学生养成良好学习习惯(如按时上课,学习自律能力等)
Guiding students to develop good study habits (e.g., attending classes on time, learning self-discipline, etc.)
* 改善学生学习空间环境及设备支持
Improve student learning space environment and equipment support
* 加大对线上教学的政策支持
Increasing policy support for online teaching