Nobee Roommate Finder Survey

What will happen after you fill out this form:
- We will reach out to you with the contact you provide
- We talk more to make sure we understand what you are looking for
- We will send you the information you need
- We discuss how to find your next home with best roommates ever!
What are you looking for
Would you prefer roommates in the same program with you
What is the maximum number of roommates you want
Do you plan to rent out your living room
What is your gender
Do you have any gender preferences
What is your bedtime
How clean do you want to keep your room and the house
  • Doesn't matter
  • As clean as possible
Do you want to split cleaning fee with your roommates to have your house cleaned once a month
How often do you cook
  • Almost never
  • Everyday
How quiet do you want to keep the place
  • I don't care
  • As quiet as possible
Do you smoke
Do you mind if your roommates smoke
What do you think about having pets in your house
Could you tell us your name
Please provide a contact information for us to help you find your potential roommates
Can you give a short introduction about yourself or your group if you already have one(Please tell us how many people are there in your current group)? For example, where you are from, your hobbies, things you like...whatever you want to share with your potential roommates or anything about your preferences that you want us to know