Survey To Test American Students' Grasp on Chinese Rhetorical Devices

* 您的基本信息:
Mother tongue:
How long have you studied Chinese:
If you have taken the HSK, what level have you attained:
What is/ was your major:
* Questions about rhetorical devices(can choose more than one answer):

1. A rhetorical device: 【Multiple】
* 2. Which of the following rhetorical devices do you feel are used most often? 【Multiple】
* 3. What do you think is the primary use of rhetorical devices? 【Multiple】
* 4. What kinds of methods do you use to learn Chinese rhetorical devices?
* 5.When studying Chinese rhetorical devices, what kinds of problems might you encounter?
Translate the meanings of the following examples of metaphor (比喻),
metonymy (借代), personification (拟人), and hyperbole (夸张) into Chinese.
Be aware that literal translations might not be the best idea.

1. The chick at the bar was quite a fox.
2. She is a chicken.
3. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
4. My feet are killing me.
5. The flower was dancing in the wind.
6. I can hear the piece of cake calling my name.
7. The pen is mightier than the sword.
8. Can you give me a hand carrying this box to the classroom?
* Determine which of the following examples of rhetorical devices
each of the following sentences are examples of.
1. 今天,太阳好害羞,躲在厚厚的云层后面,迟迟不肯露面。
4. 我们班有很多诸葛亮,个个都聪明绝顶。
5. 今天的风大得能把人吹起来。
6. 这橘子酸得我的牙都快掉了。
7. 红领巾迎着太阳,走进了充满朝气的校园。
8. 群众是大海,个人只不过是其中的一滴水。
* Determine which of the following sentences make use of rhetorical devices.
Put a check mark (√) next to the sentences which contain one or more rhetorical device.
1. 她的眼睛长得很像她爸爸。
2. 困难是弹簧,你弱它就强。
3. 她打扮的比前天还漂亮。
4. 星星眨着疲劳的眼睛,也要睡着啦。
5. 她是我们班的花木兰,什么事都冲在最前面。
6. 我看见面粉,就已经闻到了面包的香味。
7. 有人在公交车上没有刷牙,很恶心。
8. 排队很长时间,就想回家。
Please use Chinese to write at least four sentences containing rhetorical devices about the following picture. Use metaphor, personification, metonymy, and hyperbole.
* Questions about your thoughts on rhetorical devices. Please use Chinese to respond to the questions.

1. Do you think it is important to study Chinese rhetorical devices? Why or why not?
2. How do you feel about your grasp on using rhetorical devices in Chinese? Why?
* 3. What recommendations would you give to someone who wants to study Chinese
rhetorical devices or to Chinese language teachers? (Can choose more than one answer.)
4. Please explain your point of view on Chinese rhetorical devices.