
您的性别(Your gender):
您所处年级?(Your grade)
您更喜欢用哪种游戏方式?(Which game style do you prefer?)
您每天在游戏里花费的时间?(How much time do you spend in the game every day?)
您是否愿意在游戏中花费金钱?(Are you willing to spend money on the game?)
您选择游戏时是否会参考此游戏的畅销度?(Do you choose a game based on its popularity?)
您更喜欢哪种类型的游戏?(What kind of games do you prefer?)
您认为玩游戏对学习成绩有影响吗?(Do you think playing games has any effect on academic performance?)
以下游戏你更喜欢哪个?(Which of the following games do you prefer?) 【请选择1-3项】
您认为目前玩的游戏中最吸引你的地方是什么?(What do you think is the most interesting aspect of the game you've played so far?)