Consumer Survey about Herborist Brand

Hi, everybody! Thanks for your participation. I am a postgraduate from Loughborough University in the United Kingdom. This survey is done for an academic purpose for my master project. Questions in the survey are about your attitudes and buying behaviours about the brand, Herborist. When you open the QR code and please self-answer all questions and submit your responses.
The survey is totally anonymous. There is no any question asking your private information. In the process of doing the survey, if you feel any place of discomfort, you are free to withdraw. All responses will be downloaded, stored my personal computers, and protected by password. Any access to the data needs to be authorised by the research. So, you need not to concern about data insecurity.
* 1. Age
* 2.Gender
* 3. Nationality
* 4. Employment status
* 5. Do you think this brand, Herborist, is well known in France or Europe?
* 6. In your opinion, the brand, Herborist, is ‘made in’?
* 7. Did you ever purchase or use Herborist’s products before? 
* 8. How long you have used the brand, Herborist?
* 9. Where you first hear of the brand?
* 10. Is the brand, Herborist, your preferred choice of cosmetics? 
* 11. To what extent, how do you think the brand, Herborist is an iconic brand from China? 
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
The brand should be a cultural icon
The brand covers symbol of Chinese elements
The brand conveys special meanings from China culture
* 12. To what extent, you think the brand carries cultural symbolism from China?
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
The brand is original from Chinese ancient culture like Confucian and Daoism
The brand is a best symbol of T’ai chi yin-yang balance
The brand is original from Chinese traditional medicine philosophy
Few Chinese brands like Herborist match Chinese culture
* 13. What are your perceptions of ‘Made in China’ cosmetics? 
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Chemical ingredients
Low price
High quality
Low level of novelty
Poor design
* 14. How you perceive the brand, Herborist? *
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Health and natural
A very good choice
Amazing experience
Chinese herbal medicines
* 15. What would you like to do in near future?
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
I will try or continue buy use the brand
The likelihood to use this brand is high
I will recommend others to buy the brand