
这是一个关于美团外卖客户满意度的调查问卷,希望大家认真填写并提出宝贵意见。This is a questionnaire about Meituan takeaway customer satisfaction. I hope you can fill it out carefully and give us your valuable Suggestions.
1.您的性别是?What's your gender?
2.您的年龄是?What's your age?
您的月收入是?What is your monthly income?
您的职业是?What is your occupation?
您是通过什么方式了解到美团外卖的?How did you learn about Meituan takeaway?
美团外卖最吸引你的是?What attracts you most about Meituan? 【多选题】
您是否满意送餐速度?Are you satisfied with the delivery speed of Meituan?
您觉得美团外卖需要改进的地方有哪些?What improvements are needed for Meituan takeaway? 【多选题】
你对美团外卖平台处理事情的速度是否满意?Are you satisfied with the speed with which Meituan customer service handles problems?
你对美团外卖服务有什么个人建议吗?Do you have any Suggestions for Meituan takeaway?