
对家乐福的问卷调查 感谢大家参与
您的性别(Your gender)
您的年龄(Your age)
您来超市的频率(How often do you come to the supermarket)
您是从哪些途径听说我们的“家乐福”的(How did you hear about our "carrefour") 【最多选择3项】
您每次到家乐福的购物消费价格大概是多少(What is the consumer price for each shopping trip to carrefour)
您对家乐福的商品质量是否满意(Are you satisfied with the quality of carrefour's goods)
您对家乐福员工服务是否满意(Are you satisfied with the staff service of carrefour)
您选择去家乐福购物的主要原因是什么(What is the main reason why you choose carrefour) 【最多选择3项】
您觉得家乐福超市能够满足您的日常购买需求吗(Do you think carrefour can meet your daily shopping needs)
您觉得家乐福产品种类更新及时吗(Do you think the product categories of carrefour are updated in time)
您对家乐福的总体印象是什么(What is your general impression of carrefour)
对家乐福超市存在的问题提出建议(Put forward Suggestions on the problems in carrefour)