Fast-Tracking Digitalization with AI

Huawei Cloud & AI Live Europe
* First and last names
* Company
* 1. In general, what do you think of the "Fast-Tracking Digitalization with AI, Huawei Cloud & AI Live - Europe" event? (5 means the highest score)
If you want, you can leave a comment:
* 2. About the products/solutions presented, which is the most interesting?
* 3. A Forward-Looking View into AI Technology
* 4. Driving Digital Transformation with AI Together
* 5. Beyond Predictive Maintenance
* 6. AI-assisted Diagnosis Solution
* 7. AI-enabled Data Centers: Stepping Towards Autonomous Driving
* 8. Meet the Huawei Atlas Family - Live Show
If you want, you can leave a comment:
* 9. Do you have any project we can work on together?
If yes, in which industries? 【Multiple】
* 8. What would be the approximate volume of the AI project?
* 9. Have you ever heard of Huawei’s AI Solutions?
If so, what AI solutions or products are you mostly interested in?
If not, would you like to be informed of Huawei's latest AI solutions and products?
* 6. Would you like to be notified of upcoming events, seminars, etc. that Huawei is holding?
* Email(For Award Distribution)