2020S Economic Think Tank Feedback - STUDENT

Thank you for creating social impact with Keru. Your feedback is important to us. Please help us improve our service and the experience for others by filling out the following survey. There are 20 questions in total, which should take a total of 8 minutes to complete.
* 1. Which KERU program did you participate in?
* 2. How did you hear about KERU?
* 3. How helpful was the PRE-TRIP ASSIGNMENT in helping you to understand the project topic?
  • Very Unhelpful
  • Very Helpful
* 4. How helpful was the INTRODUCTION given by our local partner in order for you to understand the local issue?
  • Very Unhelpful
  • Very Helpful
* 5. Please rate the quality of ACADEMIC-RELATED SESSIONS. These were the sessions taught by your content expert (eg. psychology 101).
  • Very Poor
  • Very Good
* 6. Please rate the quality of the SKILLS-RELATED SESSIONS. These were the sessions taught by the mentors and or content experts. (eg. How to conduct an interview?)
  • Very Poor
  • Very Good
* 7. What do you think of the SCHEDULE? Is it a good balance between academic and practical work?
  • Very Poor
  • Very Good
* 8. Please rate the communication with your sales contact (introduction of the program, enrollment process & contract completion). 
  • Very Poor
  • Very Good
* 9. Please rate your INTERVIEWER teacher, the one who you had a WeChat video call before the admission. (professionalism, communication efficiency & clarity)
  • Very Poor
  • Very Good
* 10. Please rate your PROGRAM LEADER (professionalism, leadership, flexibility & adaptability).
  • Very Poor
  • Very Good
* 11. Please rate your PROGRAM CONTENT EXPERT, the one who is either a PhD or a working professional in this area. (professionalism, expertise & teaching skills).
  • Very Poor
  • Very Good
* 12. Please rate your PROGRAM MENTORS, the one who is university student and support the teaching (mentorship & teaching skills).
  • Very Poor
  • Very Good
* 13. In terms of KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS, please rate your total learning from this program.
  • Very Litte
  • Very Much
* 14. How do you feel about the social impact you made on this program?
  • Very Little
  • Very Much
* 15. Have you been been inspired to continue doing social impact work in the future?
  • Very Little
  • Very Much
* 16. Please rate your overall satisfaction with KERU.
  • Very Unsatisfied
  • Very Satisfied
* 17. Which of the following aspects was the most enjoyable about the program?
* 18. How likely are you to recommend KERU programs to your friends?
  • Very Unlikely
  • Very Likely
19. In which area can KERU improve? Please elaborate. 
20. Do you have additional comments for Keru? (schedule, change, food, accommodation).