Taxi-Taking Questionnaire for Zebra Taxi Users

Dear expats in Wuhan:
As a trip service expert, Zebra Taxi has devoted itself to providing the best services and experiences as well as “on call” online car-hailing services and considerate riding experience.

To further enhance the riding experience of expats, Zebra Taxi plans to introduce multilingual services to improve service experience and solve the cross-language communication issues of expats during taxi rides. The questionnaire below is made to guarantee our multilingual services can accurately cater to your needs, so please spare a few minutes to answer the questions.

Note: Questions 4-11 to be answered only if you have used an online car-hailing service or are interested in doing so.
Q1: Why do you stay in Wuhan? (Single choice)
A: Study
B: Work
C: Business trip
D: Traveling
E: Visit family members
F: Other reason:
Q2: How do you usually travel in Wuhan? (Multiple choice)【多选题】
A: Private car
B: Public transport
C: Taxi
D: Online car-hailing
E: Other
Q3: How often do you use online car-hailing services in Wuhan? (Single choice)
A: Barely
B: Occasionally
C: Frequently
Q4: What problems have you encountered when using online car-hailing services? (Multiple choice)【多选题】
A: Language barrier
B: Drivers refusing to take passengers
C: Failing to hail a taxi
D: Inconvenient payment
E: Other
Q5:which way do you usually communicate with the drivers during your online car-hailing services? (Single choice)
A: Phone calls
B: Chat online
C: I don't talk to drivers
Q6: Have you had any language barriers or unsuccessful communication experiences in the process of using online car-hailing services? (Single choice)
A: My Chinese proficiency is good, so I don’t have such the problem.
B: My Chinese proficiency is alright, but unsuccessful communication experiences occurs occasionally.
C: My Chinese proficiency is poor and I can’t normally communicate with a driver.
D: I haven’t used online car-hailing services.
Q7: What problems have you encountered when communicating with the driver during your online car-hailing services? (Multiple choice)【多选题】
A: I can't describe my correct current position to help drivers come to me in time
B: I can't communicate with the driver during the service
C: the destination is wrong
D: Other
E: No such the problem
Q8: we will provide human translation and machine translation services in the process of your online car-hailing services to help you solve the communication problems. However, this service will charge a small fee, how well do you accept it? (Single choice)
A: I would like to accept it very much.
B: Generally, if the price is right, I'm willing to pay.
C: I pay more attention to the cost performance of services.
D: I cannot accept it.
Q9: We intend to offer translation service with two ways, one is human simultaneous interpretation for telephone communication between users and drivers, the second is machine translation. How do you think of it? (Single choice)
A: I think the first way good.
B: If the machine translation quality is good, the second way will be a good choice.
C: Both ways are good.
D: No, I am reluctant to pay for such services.
Q10: What are your concerns for such multilingual translation services? (Ranking from higher precedence to lower one)【排序题】
  • A: Quality-whether my problems can be really solved.
  • B: Price-the price should not be high.
  • C: Experience-whether the overall service experience is favorable.
  • D: Efficiency-whether my communication problems can be quickly solved.
Q11: Do you have advice or suggestion for the above multilingual translation services? (Optional)