Burger King Customer Satisfaction Questionaire 汉堡王客户满意度问卷表

Dear Sir/Madam,

This questionnaire is conducting a research about the Chinese customer satisfaction of Burger King. The aim of this questionnaire is that based result of the Chinese customer satisfaction measure Burger King's international expansion strategy is successful or unsuccessful in China. This research targets are customers who over 18 years old of Burger King. I would be extremely grateful if you can participate in this survey which will only use your a few minutes. Your feedback will be remiand confidential and anonymous. This survey for academic research only, not used for any commercial purposes.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any prolem or need further imformation regarding the research. My email is:263749836@qq.com          

Thanks for your time!


King Regards,

Lu Zhou



这份问卷正在进行一项关于汉堡王的中国消费者满意度调查。此问卷的目的是根据中国消费者满意度的调查结果来评估汉堡王在中国的国际拓展战略是成功的还是失败的。填写这份问卷只需要您短短几分钟时间, 我对于愿意参与这份问卷调查的消费者心存万分的感谢。当然, 您的个人信息和反馈都会被保证匿名和保密。 此问卷仅用于学术研究, 不用做其他商业用途。如果您对这份问卷有更多疑问,请直接联系我。我的电子邮箱是263749836@qq.com




Lu Zhou

1. What is your gender? 您的性别?
A.Male 男
B.Female 女
2. Age? 年龄?
A. 18-25
B. 26-35
C. 36-45
D. 46-55
E. 56-65
F. 65 or over 65以上
3. What is your current marital status?您的婚姻状况?
A. Single, never married 单身
B. Married without children 已婚,没有孩子
C. Married with children 已婚,有孩子
4. What is your nationality? 您的国籍?
A. Chinese 中国
B. Other 其它
5. What is your job? 您的职业?
A. Student 学生
B. Officer 政府单位人员
C. Office worker 白领上班族 (Teacher, Lawyer, Engineer) (老师,律师,工程师)
D. Worker 技术工人
E. Freelancer 自由职业
F. Other 其他
6. How often do you visit fast food restaurant(KFC,McDonald's)? 您多久去一次肯德基,麦当劳这样的洋快餐店?
A. Once a month 一个月一次
B. Between 2-3 times a month 一个月2-3次
C. Between 4-5 times a month 一个月4-5次
D. More than 5 times a month 一个月5次以上
7. How often do you go to Burger King in one month? 您一个月内多久去一次汉堡王?
A. Once a month 一个月一次
B. Between 2-3 times 一个月2-3次
C. Between 4-5 times 一个月4-5次
D. More than 5 times 一个月5次以上
8. In all the products of Burger King, which is the best-selling series in your choice?(Multiple choice) 在汉堡王的产品中, 您最喜欢哪个系列?(多选)【多选题】
A. Whopper 皇堡
B. Cheese&Bacon Whopper 芝士培根皇堡
C. Spicy Whopper 天椒皇堡
D. Whopper Junior 小皇堡
E. Tendergrilled Chicken Burger 嫩烤鸡腿堡
F. Hot&Spicy Chicken Burger 炫辣鸡腿堡
G. Mushroom Swiss Doubles 蘑菇芝士双层堡
H. BK Fish N Crisp 香脆鳕鱼堡
F. Other 其他
9. How do you think of the new product (Ice Drink) of Burger King? 您觉得汉堡王新推出的夏日冰饮系列怎么样?
Very Poor 很不满意
Fantastic 很满意
10. How do you think of the advertisement of Burger King? 您觉得汉堡王的广告吸引你吗?
Very Poor 很不满意
Fantastic 很满意
11. How do you think of the food quality about Burger King? 您觉得汉堡王的食品质量如何?
Very Poor 很不满意
Fantastic 很满意
12. How do you think of the dining environment in Burger King? 您觉得汉堡王的就餐环境如何?
Very Poor 很不满意
Fantastic 很满意
13. Which do you value most when you buy product in Burger King? 当您购买汉堡王产品时, 你最注重它的哪些方面?
A. Price advantage 价格优势
B. Product itself 食品本身
C. Customer service 优质服务
D. Dining environment 就餐环境
14. How do you think of customer service in Burger King? 您觉得汉堡王的服务质量如何?
Very Poor 很不满意
Fantastic 很满意
15. If you contacted Burger King customer service, have all prolems been resolved to your complete satisfaction? 如果你联系了汉堡王的客户服务,都有完整满意的帮你解决问题吗?
A. Yes, by the Burger King or its representative 是的,通过汉堡王或者代表
B. Yes, by me or someone without Burger King 是的, 通过自己或者其他不是汉堡王的人
C. No, I've not contact customer service 不, 从来没有联系过
16. How likely are you to buy Burger King again?您会再次光临汉堡王吗?
A. Definitely will 肯定会
B. Probably will 很可能会
C. Might or might not 不确定会不会
D. Probably will not 可能不会
E. Definitely will not 肯定不会
17. Base on your awareness of the product of Burger King, is it better, the same or worse than KFC, McDonald's in Chinese fast food industry? 根据您对汉堡王产品的感觉, 它比肯德基,麦当劳好还是差,还是一样呢?
A. Much better 好很多
B. Better 好一些
C. About the same 一样
D. Worse 差一些
E. Much worse 差很多
18. Base on your experience with Burger King product, would you recommend Burger King to your friends? 您会向你朋友推荐汉堡王吗?
A. Definitely will 肯定会
B. Probably will 很可能会
C. Might or might not 不确定会不会
D. Probably will not 可能不会
E. Definitely will not 肯定不会
19. If Burger King have delivery service, do you will order product more than before? 如果汉堡王有外送服务, 您会不会增加消费次数?
A. Yes, it is more convenience 是的, 这样更加方便
B. No, I prefer to the Burger King shop 不, 我更喜欢去实体店
20. Which areas should Burger King improve?(Multiple choice)? 汉堡王哪些方面需要改善?(多选)【多选题】
A. Product's quality 食品质量
B. Nutritional value 营养价值
C. Advertisement 广告
D. Customer service 客户服务
E. Product's price 产品价格
21. Your other comments or suggestions: (Burger King or survy) 如果您有宝贵的建议, 请写下(汉堡王或者问卷)