Survey of AFEC-X 2013 students

Hellooo everyone, how are you guys doing !

Six years ago,  you met and stayed together for 6 weeks in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) because of the "Advanced Fieldcourse in Ecology and Conservation, XTBG". That was an unforgettable experience, I hope! And I also hope AFEC-X 2013 was a good start for your career in ecology and conservation sciences because that was why XTBG started this annual international training program.

How time flies! Now AFEC-X has entered its second decade. Its time to look back, to say "Hi" to eveyone, to see what and how are you doing, and to get your opinions to make AFEC-X better in future together.

We prepared 29 questions to talk with you, these question covers "Your current career status", "The usefulness of AFEC-X to you and your suggestions", "Your communication with your AFEC-X fellows and instructors", and "What AFEC-X can learn from other comprehensive long-period course".

Please spend some time on this communication between you and XTBG, and please make sure your answers are from your heart. 

We will remove all of your personal information before doing analysis or share the results.

Yours Sincerely!

Your basic information
Please find yourself from the list (the affiliation is when your attended AFEC-X)
if there are incorrect information, please email
if you notice someone is missing from the list, please also email
Please choose the one best describe your current work【Multiple】
Government office
University (including Research Insitute belong to University)
Research Institute not belong to a university
others (please specify)
About your current career (or the career you will take soon)
affiliation, position, working area, etc.)

if you are working for more organization, please just fill in the major one.
Name of your affiliation
Name of your affiliation
Website of your affiliation
Website of your affiliation
Your position
Your position
Your working/research area
Your working/research area
Your common email address
Your common email address
The usefulness of AFEC-X to you and your suggestions
In general, how important the AFEC-X experience was to your career development?
A little bit
Very important
Not at all
Please score each of the potential benefits you got from AFEC-X
(The higher the score, the more benefits you got)
(If you wan to give an aspect 0 score,
you have to move the bar to any score then move it back to 0)
Gained basic knowledge of the field
Broadened my horizon
Laid foundation for my future work
A publication of the group project
Fostered collaboration with other participants/instrctors
Enrolled as a student or Post Doc of one of the instructors
Promoted confidence in doing research
Please score the components of AFEC-X
according to the usefulness to your career after the course
(The higher the score, the more useful for you)
(If you wan to give an aspect 0 score,
you have to move the bar to any score then move it back to 0)
Lectures and practices
Field trip
Group project
Course symposium
What components do you recommend to add to the current course structure, why?
Recommended components
Recommended components
What do you suggest to remove from the current course structure, why?【Multiple】
Lectures and practices (why romove)
Field trip (why romove)
Group project (why romove)
Course symposium (why romove)
All good, no need to remove
Please score the social activities of AFEC-X
(The higher the score, the stronger you liked it)
(If you wan to give an aspect 0 score,
you have to move the bar to any score then move it back to 0)
Self Introductions
XTBG Garden Tour
Dai food in Village
BBQ in Menglun town
Dinner party
Concerning the “lectures and practices”, please score the topics
according to the usefulness for you.
(The higher the score, the more useful was it for you)
(If you wan to give an aspect 0 score,
you have to move the bar to any score then move it back to 0)
The ecology and biogeography of Tropical East Asia by Richard T. Corlett
The biodiversity crisis in Asia by Ferry Slik
Climate change in the tropics by Richard T. Corlett
Climate change practical by Richard T. Corlett, Huan-Huan Chen
Field measurement of environmental variables and by Qing-Hai Song
Measurements of carbon, water and energy fluxes with eddy flux covariance techniques by Qing-Hai Song
Weather station visit + eddy flux instrument (tower) visit by Qing-Hai Song
R Statistics and Experimental design workshop by Kyle Tomlinson, Eben Goodale, Yue-Hua Hu
Paleoenvironments by Zhe-Kun Zhou
Paleoenvironments: interpreting leaf fossils by Frederic Jacques
Paleoenvironments: interpreting leaf fossils (lab visit) practical by Zhe-Kun Zhou; Frederic Jacques
Plant taxanomy by Ferry Slik
Plant taxanomy practical by Ferry Slik
Tree-ring research in the tropics and subtropics by Ze-Xin Fan
Tree-ring research in the tropics and subtropics practical by Ze-Xin Fan
Remote sensing for vegetation mapping by Alice Hughes
Species distribution modelling (including useful databases introduction) by Alice Hughes
Energy plants by Zeng-Fu Xu
Energy plants practical (lab: oil content anlaysis and transgenic; + field site: Jatropha curcas plantation) by Zeng-Fu Xu, Jun Ni, Long-Jian Niu
Plant ecophysiology by Jiao-Lin Zhang
Plant ecophysiology practical (environmental variables measurement) by Jiao-Lin Zhang
Plant functional traits by Uromi M. Goodale
Plant functional traits practical by Uromi M. Goodale, Shan-Wen Sun
Plant functional traits practical continue by Uromi M. Goodale, Shan-Wen Sun
Invasive species by Richard T. Corlett
Invasive plants practical by Richard T. Corlett
Photography (focus on simple camaras, including taking photos in dark environments) by Pierre Honoré
Photography practical by Pierre Honoré
Plant animal interactions - general introduction by Richard T. Corlett
Seed dispersal - frugivory practical by Richard T. Corlett
Bird ecology- identification, and quantitative study methods by Eben Goodale
Bird ecology practical_bird watching by Eben Goodale, Jiang-Bo Zhao, Xi-Min Wang
Bird ecology practical_bird surveying by Eben Goodale, Jiang-Bo Zhao, Xi-Min Wang
Seed dispersal by rodents and research methods by Bo Wang
Seed dispersal by rodents and research methods practical by Bo Wang
Impacts of hunting on the birds of tropcal Asia by Sreekar Rachakonda
Literature review: Impacts of hunting on the birds of tropical Asia by Sreekar Rachakonda
Fig-fig wasp interaction by Yan-Qiong Peng
Fig-fig wasp interaction practical by Yan-Qiong Peng, Huan-Huan Chen
Pollination biology by Qing-Jun Li
Pollination biology practical by Qing-Jun Li
The modern conservation toolbox by Richard T. Corlett
Molecular tools in conservation_practical by Yann Surget-Groba
Camera traps for conservation by Rui-Chang Quan
Camera traps for conservation practical (set up camera traps) by Rui-Chang Quan
Seed storage and seed bank technology by Bin Wen
Seed storage and seed bank technology practical (seed bank visit) by Bin Wen, Nan Zhang
Corridor project +Sustainable rubber project introduction by Jin Chen
Orchid conservation and reintroduction (lecture + lab visit) by Jiang-Yun Gao, Xiao-Meng Zi, Xu-Li Fan, Qiang Liu
Orchid conservation and reintroduction practical (limestone site visit) by Jiang-Yun Gao, Xiao-Meng Zi, Xu-Li Fan, Qiang Liu
Honeybee diversity_general introduction + honeybee behavior by Ken Tan
Honeybee diversity_general introduction + honeybee behavior practical by Ken Tan, Jian-Jun Li
Insect sampling techniques_beetles as an example by Ling-Zeng Meng
Below ground food web ecology by Xiao-Dong Yang
Below ground food web ecology+Insect sampling techniques practical by Xiao-Dong Yang; Ling-Zeng Meng
Visit the rubber agroforestry sites and rainforest of XTBG by Hui Chen
Bat ecology by Alice Hughes
Bat ecology practical by Alice Hughes
CTFS plot research introduction by Lu-Xiang Lin
Epiphytic lichen ecology by Su Li
Epiphytic fern ecology by Hua-Zheng Lu
Epiphytic lichen/fern ecology research technique practial by Su Li, Hua-Zheng Lu
Soil ecology/carbon cycle by Doug Schaefer
Soil ecology/carbon cycle practical by Doug Schaefer
What topic(s)/techniques/methods do you suggest to be included in the future AFEC-X? Why?
(if you have more suggestions, please list them from most important to least important)
Recommended topics
Recommended topics
Please select the group project that you did during the AFEC-X.
if your project is not in the list, please email and tell him.
Have you presented your group project in other conferences, workshops, etc. after the course?【Multiple】
Yes (Oral presentation)
Yes (Poster presentation)
Have your group project published in a journal?
Did you recommend this course to your officemates, friends etc.【Multiple】
Yes (by emails)
Yes (oral recommendation)
Yes (post information on blogs, etc.)
Who applied and attended AFEC-X because of your recommendation?
Communication among AFEC-X fellows and instructors
How many times have you met other AFEC-X students
in conferences or other academic occasions?【Multiple】
1-5 times
6-10 times
> 10 times
Have you received any kind of help from your AFEC-X fellows after the course?【Multiple】
Yes (academic related)
Yes (not related to academic)
Have you co-authored scientific publications
after the course with your AFEC-X fellows or instructors?
Yes, already published
Not yet, but under preparation
Are you planning to coolaborate with your AFEC-X fellows or instructors in research?
Yes, under preparation
Not yet, but keeping communication
Yes, already cooperating
Actions to promote the communication among AFEC-X students and instructors
Are you in the AFEC-X group on facebook nor not?
Not yet (please join)
We are planning an AFEC-X alumni webpage to enhance the communication and cooperation among AFEC-X participants, please upload a word or PDF version of your newest CV here.
(file size should not be larger than 4mb)
选择文件( 不超过4M )
Select the academic media account you have and tell us your account.【Multiple】
Google Scholar
What do you suggest to improve the communication and cooperation
among AFEC-X participants?
Other comprehensive long-period course
Could you list other local or international training programs that
as comprehensive as AFEC-X and more than a month long?
Could you tell what AFEC-X can learn from them?
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