Survey of 2014 XTBG-OTS climate change biology course students

Hellooo everyone, how are you guys doing !

Five years ago (in 2014),  you met and stayed together for one month in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) for the "XTBG-OTS Climate Change Fieldcourse: The Ecology of Climate Change in the Tropics and Subtropics". That was an unforgettable experience, I hope! And I also hope the course was a good start for your research career because that was why XTBG and OTS cooperated to run the training program.

How time flies! Its time to look back, to say "Hi" to eveyone, to see what and how are you doing, and to get your opinions about the course to make future international training programs better together.

We prepared 25 questions to talk with you, these question covers "Your current career status", "The usefulness of the course to you and your suggestions", "Your communication with your course fellows and instructors".

Please spend some time on this communication between you and XTBG, and please make sure your answers are from your heart. 

We will remove all of your personal information before doing analysis or share the results.

Yours Sincerely!

Your basic information
Please find yourself from the list (the affiliation is when your attended the course)
if there are incorrect information, please email
if you notice someone is missing from the list, please also email
Please choose the one best describe your current work【Multiple】
Government office
University (including Research Insitute belong to University)
Research Institute not belong to a university
others (please specify)
About your current career (or the career you will take soon)
affiliation, position, working area, etc.)

if you are working for more organization, please just fill in the major one.
Name of your affiliation
Name of your affiliation
Website of your affiliation
Website of your affiliation
Your position
Your position
Your working/research area
Your working/research area
Your common email address
Your common email address
The usefulness of the course to you and your suggestions
In general, how important the training experience was to your career development?
Not at all
Very important
A little bit
Please score each of the potential benefits you got from the course
(The higher the score, the more benefits you got)
(If you wan to give an aspect 0 score,
you have to move the bar to any score then move it back to 0)
Gained basic knowledge of the field
Broadened my horizon
Laid foundation for my future work
A publication of the group project
Fostered collaboration with other participants/instrctors
Enrolled as a student or Post Doc of one of the instructors
Promoted confidence in doing research
Please score the components of the course
according to the usefulness to your career after the course
(The higher the score, the more useful for you)
(If you wan to give an aspect 0 score,
you have to move the bar to any score then move it back to 0)
Lectures and practices
Field trip
Group project
Course symposium
Participants meeting with prospective supervisors from XTBG
What components do you recommend to add to the current course structure, why?
Recommended components
Recommended components
What do you suggest to remove from the current course structure, why?【Multiple】
Lectures and practices (why romove)
Field trip (why romove)
Group project (why romove)
Course symposium (why romove)
All good, no need to remove
Please score the social activities during the course
(The higher the score, the stronger you liked it)
(If you wan to give an aspect 0 score,
you have to move the bar to any score then move it back to 0)
Self introductions
XTBG garden tour
Dai food in Village
Menglun town tour to get familar with the town
BBQ in Menglun town
Farewell dinner party
Concerning the “lectures and practices”, please score the topics
according to the usefulness for you.
(The higher the score, the more useful was it for you)
(If you wan to give an aspect 0 score,
you have to move the bar to any score then move it back to 0)
Introduction to climate change by Richard Corlett
Climate change primer and methodologies by Delphine Farmer
Delphine extra practical discussion by Delphine Farmer
Understanding the effects of climate change: movement and migration by Richard Corlett
Understanding the effects of climate change: getting the data (Herbaria, museums,) by Richard Corlett
Understanding the effects of climate change: using specimens to examine rates of change-recent history by Alice Hughes
Oral histories: developing a questionaire and pooling the data by Julie Velásquez Runk
Oral histories: look at changes in distribution and seasonality by Julie Velásquez Runk
Using Botanic gardens for climate change research-transplant experiments by Richard Corlett
Using Botanic gardens for climate change research-plant growth and phenology (compare to old data) and functional traits by Yang Jie
Rethinking Functional traits-what to measure and why by Yang Jie
Monitoring climate: Flux towers, Gathering climate data at the local scale by Tan Zhenghong, Delphine Farmer
Effect of climate on ecosystem cycling- N and P cycles and global change by Jennifer Powers
REDD project by Julie Velasquez Runk
Paleoclimatic data-extending the record by Zhe-Kun Zhou; Frederic Jacques
Palynology (Pollen practical)/Dendrochrnology by Richard Corlett, Fu Peili
Using fossil data to assess changes in environment by Frederic Jacques
Discussion: How useful is palaeo data-how far back do we go? by
Tree-ring research in the tropics and subtropics practical by Richard Corlett, Fu Peili
Manipulating the environment-FACE, OPENTOPS, Warming by Alice Hughes, Richard Corlett
Using the past to project the future (ecology)_discussion by Richard Corlett, Alice Hughes
Discussion: IPPC and "my forest: your forest" -How and why our forests differ, how does it relate to climate by Roger Kitching
Projections (Climate) -models, how are they built, Uncertainty, assumptions, IPPC, calibrations, downscaling, - Models part 1 by Xu Jianchu, Robert Zomer
Remote sensing and models: Environmental change by Xu Jianchu, Robert Zomer, Alice Hughes
Remote sensing and models: Using the past to project the future by Xu Jianchu, Robert Zomer, Alice Hughes
Remote sensing and models: Climate change and demography by Uromi Goodale
Collecting environmental data in the field-what to collect, and why. by Alice Hughes
Calculating climate change and GIS: Scaling climate change in ecological studies by Brett Scheffers
Proxies of climate change and projecting vegetation change by Brett Scheffers
Collecting environmental data in the field-practical by Alice Hughes
Building databases, sourcing data by Alice Hughes
Discussion: Resource asynchrony-when seasonal events become out of sync with ecology by Richard Corlett
Species distributions and physiology by Alice Hughes
Thermal ecology-what does climate really mean to species and what do we do with it by Brett Scheffers
Discussion-How useful are models to understand the effect of climate change by Alice Hughes, Brett Scheffers
Statistics and Spatial statistics -getting meaningful results by Eben Goodale, Kyle Tomlinson
Biophysics, ecophysiology and the carbon cycle by Colin Prentice
IPPC Report writing day: regional adaptation and mitigation priorities by
Climate change and climate change education-getting the message across by Sophie Williams
What topic(s)/techniques/methods do you suggest to be included in the future training program? Why?
(if you have more suggestions, please list them from most important to least important)
Recommended topics
Recommended topics
Please select the group project that you did during the course.
if your project is not in the list, please email and tell him.
Have you presented your group project in other conferences, workshops, etc. after the course?【Multiple】
Yes (Oral presentation)
Yes (Poster presentation)
Have your group project published in a journal?
Communication among students and instructors
How many times have you met other students
in conferences or other academic occasions?【Multiple】
1-5 times
6-10 times
> 10 times
Have you received any kind of help from other students after the course?【Multiple】
Yes (academic related)
Yes (not related to academic)
Have you co-authored scientific publications
after the course with other students or instructors?
Yes, already published
Not yet, but under preparation
Are you planning to coolaborate with other students or instructors in research?
Yes, already cooperating
Not yet, but keeping communication
Yes, under preparation
Actions to promote the communication among students and instructors
Are you in the XTBG-OTS course group on facebook nor not?
Not yet (please join)
We are planning an alumni webpage to enhance the communication and cooperation among participants, please upload a word or PDF version of your newest CV here.
(file size should not be larger than 4mb)
选择文件( 不超过4M )
Select the academic media account you have and tell us your account.【Multiple】
Google Scholar
What do you suggest to improve the communication and cooperation
among participants?
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