
Questionnaire|How has the Coronavirus affected your work in China?

This questionnaire is designed for participants who have been affected by the Coronavirus in related to job seek or employment in China.We hope to understand your current concerns and provide essential support in the process of your job hunting in China. 

Thanks for your participation. Should you have any inquires, feel free to reach out to us via
1. What's your occupation?
Irrelevant to education field, please specify:
2. Where are you currently?
Inside China
Outside of China, please specify:
4. What is your current status?
Employed, planning on come to China
Employed, delivering online classes and waiting for the further notice from the school
Employed, serving Quarantine in China
Employed, waiting for visa documents
Employed, never left China during the period
Unemployed, seeking for jobs in China
Other, please specify:
5. Are you worried about the globe pandemic Coronavirus?
6. Has the Coronavirus affected your decision to work in China?
7. From what aspects has Coronavirus affected your work in China?【Multiple】
My salary was stopped
My salary was reduced
I lost my job
I cannot start my job as planned
I spent extra expenses on flights, quarantine, etc.
Other, please specify:
8. What kind of reassurances from your Chinese school would help you if you come to work here at this time? 【Multiple】
(please tick as many as you like)
Quarantine assistance
Regular contact while in quarantine
Translation services
Provision of some home comforts (not just 3 meals per day)
Job security guarantee
Provision of face masks and hand-sanitizers
Medical insurance that covers treatment expenses
Other, please specify:
9. Are you familiar with the policies in your region of China regarding the latest responses to the Coronavirus?
10. Are there any travel restrictions in place from your country to China at the moment?
Yes, please specify:
11. Do you face pressure from any of the following not to travel to China at the moment?
Other, please specify:
12. If you are a job seeker, how likely are you to put your job seeking on hold at the moment?
Not applicable
14. What other things are important in your decision to work in China at the moment?
15. Please kindly provide your email for us to provide you with the feedback on the questionnaire. 
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