
世界一流科技社团评价调查 World-Class S&T Societies Ranking Survey



Dear Colleagues,

    Thank you for taking part in the survey of World S&T Society Ranking. This project is commissioned by the China Association for Science and Technology and implemented by the China Association for Science and Science and S&T Policy Research. The purpose is to build up a common understanding of the World's First-Class S&T Societies by a comprehensive evaluation, and to promote the capability improvement and cooperative development of global S&T community. This survey is conducted for senior managers of worldwide S&T societies and academic elites. Given your knowledge and influence, please rank the performance of the world's leading S&T community in different fields in 2019. It takes about 10-15 minutes to fill in the survey. All the answers will be treated in full confidentiality and will only be used for academic research. Thank you very much for your support and participation!

1.基础信息 Basic Information
1.1 您的身份 Your identity
科技社团管理人员 Senior manager of the S&T society
科技工作者 Academic researcher
其他 Others(请填写 please fill the blank)
1.2 您的工作单位 Your organization
高校 University
科研机构 Research institute
科技管理部门 S&T management department
社会组织 NGO
1.3 您所在的科技社团 Your affiliated S&T Society :
1.4 您所在的国家/地区 Your Country/Region:
1.5 您所在的研究方向 Your Research Fields:
基础科学 Basic Science
工程技术 Technology and Engineering
农业科学 Agriculture Science
医药科学 Medicine and Health
社科交叉 Multi-Discipline and Social Science
2. 概念认知 Concept Cognition
What qualities do you think a world-class S&T Society should possess? (Please provide a definition or 3-5 keywords that you think are reasonable)
3. 提名评选 Nomination
3.1 请您提名您所在领域中5个最具影响力的国内外科技社团,并排名。(1)为最优,(2)次之,以此类推。
Please nominate and rank the 5 most influential S&T societies in your research field. (1) the best, (2) the second, and so on.
3.2 请您提名您所在领域中5个最具影响力的学术会议,并排名。(1)为最优,(2)次之,以此类推。
Please nominate and rank the 5 most influential academic conferences in your research field. (1) the best, (2) the second, and so on.
3.3 请您提名您所在领域中5个最具影响力的学术奖项,并排名。(1)为最优,(2)次之,以此类推。
Please nominate and rank the 5 most influential academic awards in your research field. (1) the best, (2) the second, and so on.
4.  满意度评价 Satisfaction Evaluation
Please fill in the 1-3 S&T Societies you are familiar with and mark your satisfaction score.
4.1 提名社团1 S&T society Title 1
非常不满意 Very dissatisfied较不满意 Less satisfied一般 Common比较满意 More satisfied非常满意 Very satisfied
组织管理 Leadership and management
组织管理 Leadership and management
会员服务 Member service
会员服务 Member service
资源共享 Open resources
资源共享 Open resources
科普活动 Science popularization
科普活动 Science popularization
行业服务 Industry and professional service
行业服务 Industry and professional service
建言献策 Policy support
建言献策 Policy support
学术引领 Academic leadership
学术引领 Academic leadership
社会影响 Social impact
社会影响 Social impact
国际影响 International impact
国际影响 International impact
重大问题 Human significant problem solving
重大问题 Human significant problem solving
4.2 提名社团2 S&T society Title 2
非常不满意 Very dissatisfied较不满意 Less satisfied一般 Common比较满意 More satisfied非常满意 Very satisfied
组织管理 Leadership and management
组织管理 Leadership and management
会员服务 Member service
会员服务 Member service
资源共享 Open resources
资源共享 Open resources
科普活动 Science popularization
科普活动 Science popularization
行业服务 Industry and professional service
行业服务 Industry and professional service
建言献策 Policy support
建言献策 Policy support
学术引领 Academic leadership
学术引领 Academic leadership
社会影响 Social impact
社会影响 Social impact
国际影响 International impact
国际影响 International impact
重大问题 Human significant problem solving
重大问题 Human significant problem solving
4.3 提名社团3 S&T society Title 3
非常不满意 Very dissatisfied较不满意 Less satisfied一般 Common比较满意 More satisfied非常满意 Very satisfied
组织管理 Leadership and management
组织管理 Leadership and management
会员服务 Member service
会员服务 Member service
资源共享 Open resources
资源共享 Open resources
科普活动 Science popularization
科普活动 Science popularization
行业服务 Industry and professional service
行业服务 Industry and professional service
建言献策 Policy support
建言献策 Policy support
学术引领 Academic leadership
学术引领 Academic leadership
社会影响 Social impact
社会影响 Social impact
国际影响 International impact
国际影响 International impact
重大问题 Human significant problem solving
重大问题 Human significant problem solving
Please write down your email address or phone number if you want to access the final report.