中国文化问卷调查Questionnaire Survey of Chinese Culture

* 1.您来自_______?(国家)
Where are you come from?___________
* 2.您的性别?
What’s your gender?
* 3.职业 Occupation
* 4.您的年龄?Your Age?
* 5.您来中国多长时间了?How long have you been in China?
* 6.您的汉语水平? Your HSK Level________
* 7.您对中国文化感兴趣吗? Are you interested in Chinese Culture?
* 8.您想了解中国哪些方面的内容?What kinds of the following choices you would like to know about China? [multiple choice] 【多选题】
* 9.了解中华文化的方式[多选]
Ways of leaning Chinese Culture [multiple choice] 【多选题】
* 10.提到中国,您首先想到什么?
When mention China, what comes to your mind first?
* 11.您知道哪些中国的城市?
What cities in China do you know?
* 12.您最想去中国哪些地方旅游?
Which places in China would you most like to visit?
* 13. 如果推出一本全方面介绍中国的杂志,您对它的感兴趣程度会是?
If we publish a magazine about China in all aspects, your interest in it will be?
0 to 5 From low to high
* 14.请问您倾向哪种阅读方式?
 Which way of reading do you prefer?