Online Registration For Old International Students In The Spring Semester Of 2021

Dear international students who are outside China or can’t return to school due to the pandemic of 2021 spring semester,
Please fill in the following blank to complete the online registration.Thank you!
护照号/Passport Number
护照姓名/Full Name of Passport Name
目前所在的国家和城市/Current Country and City
当前联系邮箱/Current Email
紧急联系人/Emergency contact person
紧急联系人电话/Emergency contact number
我确认完成2021年春季学期线上注册,严格遵守相关学校的管理规定,完成线上学习及考核。由此上传个人签名。/I confirm to complete online registration for spring semester in 2021, strictly abide by relevant school management regulations, complete online learning and assessment. Here upload my signature.