Pudong New Area Questionnaire about vaccination among students in international school

If you are the parent who takes care for the child’s vaccination, please fill out this questionnaire. If not, please have the one who does answer the questions. Thank you!
A Basic information
Part one: personal information of your child (student)
* 1、Name of student:(yon can also fill in nickname)
* 2、Gender of student:
* 3、Date of birth: MM / DD /YYYY:
* 4、Nationality
* 5、Grade
* 6、Residence status in Shanghai
Part two: your own personal information (parent of the student surveyed)
* 1、Your gender:
* 2、Your age: (从15到90)
* 3、Nationality
* 4、Relationship to child
* 5、Education:
* 6、Occupation
* 7、Religion:
* 8、The number of people in your family(only for the nuclear family with the children and their parents included) :
* 9、Annual family income (only for the nuclear family with the children and their parents included)
B  Your own views on vaccination for children
* 1、Do you think it necessary to have your child vaccinated?
* 2. Do you take your child to get vaccinated as appointed?
* 3、If you choose "① Yes" in "question 2" , skip this question; If you choose "② No",  the reason is (multiple choices): 【多选题】
* 4. When the child moves to a new residence, do you think you should contact the clinic to arrange the vaccination for the child as soon as possible?
* 5. Do you agree that the purpose of vaccination is mainly to prevent the infection of contagious diseases?
* 6. Do you think children will need vaccination records when they go to college in the future?
* 7. Do you think children's vaccination records should be properly kept?
* 8、Do you know which of the following vaccines that are routinely administered to children? (multiple choices) 【多选题】
* 9. Do you know that a person should stay in the clinic for medical observation after vaccination?
* 10. Did you think that you should tell doctors about the child's health status and allergy history before vaccination?
* 11. If, on the scheduled date for vaccination, the child reports a body temperature at 37.5 ℃, do you think he/she should be vaccinated or not?
* 12. Do you agree a child only needs medical observation at home with no special treatment required if he/she develops slight red and swelling spots at the injection point within 3 days after vaccination?
* 13、Do you agree a child only needs medical observation at home with no special treatment required if he/she reports no discomfort except a low fever within 3 days after vaccination?
* 14. Do you agree that a child, when moving to a new country or region, should get his/her vaccination program retuned to the local situations such as disease control?
* 15. Do you think your child has completed the vaccination as recommended by his/her doctor ?
* 16. If the school informs you to take your child to get vaccination shots missed, will you do so in time?
Thank you very much!