Caixin A30 Survey: Doing Business in Southeast Asia

1. Which industry does your company belong to? (Multiple)
您所在公司所属行业为? (多选)

A. Manufacturing 制造业
B. Finance 金融
C. Energy, mining 能源、矿产
D. Services, entertainment 服务及娱乐业
E. Trade, transport, logistics 贸易、运输、物流
F. Internet, social media, gaming 互联网、社交、游戏
G. AI, software AI、软件
H. Computer hardware 计算机硬件
I. Cloud service 云服务
J. Automobile 汽车
K. Education 教育培训
L. Medicare, biotech 医疗、生物医药
M. Environment, circular economy 环境科技、循环经济
N. Others, specify 其他,请说明
2. Your position at the company:
A. Founder/owner/major shareholder 创始人、所有者、主要股东
B. CEO/top executive 总裁、高级管理人员
C. 区域或分公司负责人 Regional head/subsidiary chief
D. Mid-level manager 中层管理人员
E. Others, specify 其他,请说明
3. Which country are your company headquarters located in? 
4. Which country is your Southeast Asian operations primarily located?
A. Singapore 新加坡
B. Indonesia 印度尼西亚
C. Malaysia 马来西亚
D. Thailand 泰国
E. Vietnam 越南
F. Philippines 菲律宾
G. Laos 老挝
H. Cambodia 柬埔寨
I. Myanmar 缅甸
J. Brunei 文莱
K. Timor-Leste 东帝汶
L. Others, specify 其他,请说明
5. How many employees does your primary Southeast Asian subsidiary have?


A. < 50
B. 50-199
C. 200-500
D. 500-1,000
E. > 1,000
6. What was your primary subsidiary’s revenue in the Southeast Asian region in 2023?


A. Less than 100,000 USD 不到10万美元
B. 100,000-500,000 USD 10万至50万美元
C. 500,000-1 million USD 50万至100万美元
D. 1-10 million USD 100万至1000万美元
E. 10-100 million USD 1000万至1亿美元
F. Over 100 million USD 大于1亿美元
7. What are the reasons for your company's investment and development in the host country? 
[Please select 1-3 item]
A. Vast market 市场广阔
B. Abundant and low-cost production factors (labor, land, raw materials, etc.) B. 生产要素完备廉价(如劳动力、土地、原材料等)
C. Active government support for business 政府积极服务企业
D. Favorable policies (financing, taxation, market access, etc.) 政策(如融资、税收、市场准入等)优惠力度大
E. At the request of suppliers or customers 应上下游供应商或客户要求
F. Import/export needs 便利公司开展进出口业务
G. Others, specify 其他,请说明
8. How transparent and stable are policies of the host country? (Rate from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest)
所在国家政府政策透明度和稳定性如何?(1最低,10 最高)
Opaque and unpredictable 不公开、缺乏稳定性(1)
Very transparent and stable 非常透明、稳定、可预见(10)
9. How’s policy implementation by the host country? (Rate from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest)
所在国家政府政策落实方面如何? (1最低,10 最高)
Slow and poor 难落实,无头绪(1)
Efficient and decisive 执行迅速,信守规则承诺 (10)
10. How does the government solicit industry or company opinions when formulating policies? (Rate from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest)
所在国家政府在出台政策时,听取和吸取行业或企业意见的情况 (1最低,10 最高)

1分– 没有通过任何方式征求意见


Not listening(1)
Engaging and responsive(10)
11. What are the remaining challenges your company faces in the host country? 
所在国家营商环境是否存在如下问题? (请最多选择三项)
[Please select 1-3 item]
A. Complex and cumbersome application procedures for business registration 申请程序或资料复杂繁琐
B. Policies lack details 政策实施细则不明确
C. Policies are not favorable or do not provide sufficient incentives 政策力度不大,对企业没有吸引力
D. High thresholds for preferential policies 优惠政策门槛过高
E. Discriminatory policies 政策偏向本地企业
F. Hard to obtain production factors (land, financing, personnel, energy, etc.) 生产要素获取困难(如土地、融资、人员、能源等)
G. Broken legal framework, with strong enforcement discretion 法制环境有待提高,执法随意性强
H. Others, specify 其他,请说明
I. None 无
12. What recommendations do you have for the host country to improve the business environment? 
13. Besides the above-mentioned subsidiary, do you have an operation in another Southeast Asian country? 除了上述分公司,您是否在另一个东南亚国家有业务分支机构?
A.No. 无
B.Yes, but not much to talk about 有,但不重要,或不想再讨论
C.Yes, I’d like to rate another host country 有,我还想反映另一个国家的营商情况
14. Which country is your second subsidiary located in (other than the above)? 您在下面这个东南亚国家(与前面不同的)有业务或分支机构?
A. Singapore 新加坡
B. Indonesia 印度尼西亚
C. Malaysia 马来西亚
D. Thailand 泰国
E. Vietnam 越南
F. Philippines 菲律宾
G. Laos 老挝
H. Cambodia 柬埔寨
I. Myanmar 缅甸
J. Brunei 文莱
K. Timor-Leste 东帝汶
L. Others, specify 其他,请说明
15. How many employees does your second Southeast Asian subsidiary have?


A. < 50
B. 50-199
C. 200-500
D. 500-1,000
E. > 1,000
16. What was your second subsidiary’s revenue in the Southeast Asian region in 2023?


A. Less than 100,000 USD 不到10万美元
B. 100,000-500,000 USD 10万至50万美元
C. 500,000-1 million USD 50万至100万美元
D. 1-10 million USD 100万至1000万美元
E. 10-100 million USD 1000万至1亿美元
F. Over 100 million USD 大于1亿美元
17. What are the reasons for your second subsidiary's investment and development in the host country? (Please choose 1-3 items)


[Please select 1-3 item]
A. Vast market 市场广阔
B. Abundant and low-cost production factors (labor, land, raw materials, etc.) B. 生产要素完备廉价(如劳动力、土地、原材料等)
C. Active government support for business 政府积极服务企业
D. Favorable policies (financing, taxation, market access, etc.) 政策(如融资、税收、市场准入等)优惠力度大
E. At the request of suppliers or customers 应上下游供应商或客户要求
F. Import/export needs 便利公司开展进出口业务
G. Others, specify 其他,请说明
18. How transparent and stable are policies of the host country? (Rate from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest)
所在国家政府政策透明度和稳定性如何?(1最低,10 最高)
Opaque and unpredictable 不公开、缺乏稳定性(1)
Very transparent and stable 非常透明、稳定、可预见(10)
19. How’s policy implementation by the host country? (Rate from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest)
所在国家政府政策落实方面如何? (1最低,10 最高)
Slow and poor 难落实,无头绪(1)
Efficient and decisive 执行迅速,信守规则承诺 (10)
20. How does the government solicit industry or company opinions when formulating policies? (Rate from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest)
所在国家政府在出台政策时,听取和吸取行业或企业意见的情况 (1最低,10 最高)

1分– 没有通过任何方式征求意见


Not listening(1)
Engaging and responsive(10)
21. What are the remaining challenges your company faces in the host country? 
所在国家营商环境是否存在如下问题? (请最多选择三项)
[Please select 1-3 item]
A. Complex and cumbersome application procedures for business registration 申请程序或资料复杂繁琐
B. Policies lack details 政策实施细则不明确
C. Policies are not favorable or do not provide sufficient incentives 政策力度不大,对企业没有吸引力
D. High thresholds for preferential policies 优惠政策门槛过高
E. Discriminatory policies 政策偏向本地企业
F. Hard to obtain production factors (land, financing, personnel, energy, etc.) 生产要素获取困难(如土地、融资、人员、能源等)
G. Broken legal framework, with strong enforcement discretion 法制环境有待提高,执法随意性强
H. Others, specify 其他,请说明
I. None 无
22. Will your company increase investment in the Southeast Asian region in the next 3-5 years?
A. Yes 会
B. No, but will maintain current scale 不会,但会保持现有规模
C. No, and will pull out 不会,而且会缩减规模
D. Not decided 不确定
23. Aside from above, which South East Asian countries are you interested in knowing more about economic policies, business environment or potential investment opportunities? 除了以上国家,您还对哪个东南亚国家的经济政策、商业环境或潜在投资机会感兴趣?[Multiple]
A. Singapore 新加坡
B. Indonesia 印度尼西亚
C. Malaysia 马来西亚
D. Thailand 泰国
E. Vietnam 越南
F. Philippines 菲律宾
G. Laos 老挝
H. Cambodia 柬埔寨
I. Myanmar 缅甸
J. Brunei 文莱
K. Timor-Leste 东帝汶
L. Others, specify 其他,请说明
24. Has your company initiated ESG practices in Southeast Asia?
A. Yes, for many years 是,已行动多年
B. Yes, just getting started 是,刚刚起步
C. No, but planning to 否,但正准备开始行动
D. No, and no plans 否,无开始行动的计划
25. What value do you think ESG practices in Southeast Asia will bring to the company? 
[Please select 1-3 item]
A. Compliance with government regulatory requirements 满足政府监管要求
B. Meeting the needs of customers, expanding the market 满足客户要求,拓展市场
C. Meeting the demands of investors for market expansion, facilitating financing 满足投资人要求,有利于融资
D. Maintaining good relationship with local communities 维护当地社区良好关系
E. Cost reduction and efficiency improvement 降本增效
F. Elevating brand image 提升品牌形象
G. Creating long-term value 创造长期价值
H. Demonstrating social responsibility 体现社会责任
I. Other, specify 其他,请说明
J. None of above 以上都不是
26. Has your company disclosed ESG reports? 贵公司是否曾披露ESG报告?
A. Yes 是,已披露
B. No, but planning to 否,但计划未来披露
C. No, not so soon 否,且暂无此计划
27. Are you considering any of the following ESG practices in the future? 
A. Carbon reduction, carbon footprint management 投入减碳行动,加强价值链碳足迹管理
B. Minimize environmental damage (waste, soil etc) 减少公司对环境的负面影响(如废弃物、水、土壤污染等)
C. Increase local hire, expand local supply 增加本地劳工雇佣,扩大本地供应链
D. Invest in communities, participate in charity projects 增强当地社区投入,发起社区公益项目
E. Enhance stakeholder communication, promote company ESG image 加强利益相方沟通,并通过公开传播提升ESG形象
F. Improve company governance 改善公司治理,满足合规要求
G. Other, specify 其他,请说明
H. None 无计划
28. What kind of support/assistance do need to improve your ESG practices?
29. If you would like to receive an electronic copy of the survey report, please provide your company's email address below. Thank you.
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