FourC Challenge代表创造(Create)、联结(Connect)、相通(Communicate)、合作(Collaborate)。2024年竞赛将于2024年10月19-20日在线进行,主题为“ReSonate”。在社会发生巨大变革的现在,保持人与人之间的联系显得更为重要。用设计跨越国界、专业、院校,对现有社会议题做出回应,以心的共鸣共同创造可持续、更具包容性的人居环境。期待您的加入!
The FourC Challenge stands for Create, Connect, Communicate, and Collaborate. As scheduled, the 4th FourC Challenge 24-hour Design Charrette Contest will take place from October 19th to 20th, 2024, with the theme “ReSonate". In a time of great societal change, it is even more important to keep people connected. It is hoped to use design to transcend borders, specialties, and institutions, respond to existing social issues, and co-create a sustainable and more inclusive habitat with heartfelt resonance. Look forward to “meeting” you.
—— FourC Challenge Official Organizing Committee,
Shanghai JiaoTong School of Design
报名注意事项 Notice:
1). 请确保填写的各项内容和提供的资料正确无误;
Please make sure the information provided is correct;
2). 请确保参评作品不存在知识产权纠纷或争议;
Please make sure that there are no intellectual property disputes or controversies regarding your design works;
3). 参赛作品将有机会参与展览,并由主办方收录出版在相关竞赛书籍中。
Participating works will have opportunities to be exhibited in other events, as well as being published in the relevant annual FourC Challenge Memoir;
4). 竞赛全程将使用腾讯在线会议软件;
The whole contest will be on voov meeting.
5). 中国学生报名请全部使用中文填写此报名表,方便统计。
Please fill out this form in Chinese if you are Chinese students.