
中英高等教育人文联盟青年学生交流活动(China-UK Higher Education Young Talent Alliance)创立于2018年底,并于2019年4月在清华顺利举办,2020年英国埃克塞特大学于线上举办第二届。为了建立持续而稳定的学生交流机制,今年9月6日-9日将由清华大学学生对外交流协会承办第三届。本次活动的主题包括数字人文、戏剧研究和比较文学,欢迎来自中英高校对人文领域有兴趣的学子参与其中。

To promote exchanges between youths from China and UK, China-UK Higher Education Young Talent Alliance (HEYTA) was launched in 2018, and its first summit was successfully held in Tsinghua in April 2019. In 2020, the University of Exeter organized the second summit online. In order to build a stable and regular exchange mechanism, the Association of Student International Communication will host the third session from September 6th to 9th this year, whose themes include Digital Humanities, Studies of Eastern and Western Plays, and Comparative Literature. Students from Chinese and British universities who are interested in the humanities field are welcome to join!
您的电话? Phone number 
您的邮箱? Email address 
您的学校?Name of your university
您的年级?Level of study
请填写您学位的年级 Please indicate the grade of your degree
Example: 本科 Undergraduate 2
本科 Undergraduate
硕士 Master
博士 PhD
We have three different topics in the forum: Digital Humanities, Drama Research, and Comparative Literature. Please submit any questions regarding any academic sessions.【多选题】
数字人文 DIgital Humanities
戏剧研究 Drama Research
比较文学 Comparative Literature
暂无问题 No Questions
每天公开讲座结束后将举办相对应的研讨,您是否有兴趣报名参与发言,分享自己的见解?A corresponding seminar will be held each day after the lecture. Are you interested in speaking and sharing your opinions?
是 Yes
否 No