ChemLinked Market Portal Feedback

Dear Participants,

We would like to invite you to participate in our survey, aimed at gathering valuable insights and feedback on our market portal. The information gathered through this survey will be used to improve our products/services and better understand the needs and preferences of our users.

Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary and all responses will be kept confidential. It should take no more than 5-10 minutes. We would appreciate your honesty and thoughtful responses. Complete the survey before March 1st and get a $100 bonus voucher. 

If you have any concerns with this questionary, please contact

Thank you in advance for your time and contributions.

ChemLinked Team
What area are you focusing?
a. Food and beverage
b. Cosmetics
c. Chemical
d. Pharma
What department do you work for?
a. Marketing
b. Sales
c. Operation
d. RA
e. RD
f. Manufacturing
g. Others
How do you find out about ChemLinked Market Portal?
a. Google
b. LinkedIn
c. Recommendation
d. Newsletter
e. Other
What is the current status of the company's progress in the Chinese market?
a. Already entered the market.
b. Penetrating
c. Planning
d. Seeking for opportunity
e. Not interested in Chinese market
Overall, how helpful do you find the market portal for your business needs?
a. Very helpful
b. Somewhat helpful
c. Neutral
d. Not very helpful
e. Not helpful at all
What makes you unhappy about ChemLinked Market portal?[Multiple]
a. Cannot find the service I want.(What service do you want)
b. Insufficient depth of content.
c. Need for practical operational guidance.
d. Target market not covered(What market you want know)
e. Unconvenient for use
f. Overpriced
f. Others
What suggestions do you have for the content on our website? (e.g. the Monthly digest, seasonal analysis report)
Are you interested in the following services that our market station can currently provide? [Multiple]
a. Comsumer Research
b. Competitor Analysis
c. Market Trend Analysis
d. Market Strategy Management
e. Others
For market customization reports, what aspects do you value most?
a. Exclusive in-depth interviews
b. Data-driven research
c. Outlook and predictions
d. Practical case studies
e. Progress of hot market trends
f. Strategy management
g. Others
 Besides market customization report services, what other support do you need in terms of China market entry?[Multiple]
a. Local brand building (company registration, trademark registration, intellectual property protection, etc.)
b. Compliance services
c. Match-making(finding distributors, OEMs, etc.)
d. KOL/KOC campaign
c. E-commerce operation services
d. Others
What marketing consultant providers your organization is currently using now?
Do you have any other comments or feedback about the market portal that you would like to share?
To show our appreciation, we would like to offer you a $100 ChemLinked vouchor.

In order to issue the voucher, we kindly request that you provide us with your email address and company name. 

Your privacy and trust are the first priority to us, and we assure you that your information will be securely stored and protected.
What’s your email address?
Organization name
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