translation work preference inventory 翻译工作动机量表

This inventory aims to investigate (part-time, in-house, freelance) translators' translation motivation type. You are invited to join this survey because you state the interest in my research on translators' motivation at work. Please answer the questions below based on your experience and feelings when practice translation. Your participation is much appreciated. Any problems about this study, please contact me via
When practicing translations, to which extent do you agree with following statements
I love tackling translation problems completely new to me 我喜欢处理全新的翻译问题
I love tackling translation problems completely new to me 我喜欢处理全新的翻译问题
I enjoy trying to solve complex translation problems. 我享受解决翻译中遇到的难题
I enjoy trying to solve complex translation problems. 我享受解决翻译中遇到的难题
The more difficult the translation problem is, the more I enjoy trying to solve it问题越难 我越想解决它
The more difficult the translation problem is, the more I enjoy trying to solve it问题越难 我越想解决它
I hope translation can provide me with opportunities for improving my knowledge and skills 我希望通过翻译提升能力,增长见识
I hope translation can provide me with opportunities for improving my knowledge and skills 我希望通过翻译提升能力,增长见识
Curiosity is the driving force behind most of translation work I do好奇心是我大部分翻译工作的驱动力
Curiosity is the driving force behind most of translation work I do好奇心是我大部分翻译工作的驱动力
I want to find out how good I really can be at translation.我想知道自己的翻译能力到底有多高
I want to find out how good I really can be at translation.我想知道自己的翻译能力到底有多高
I prefer to figure out things for myself during translation 我喜欢自己解决翻译中遇到的问题
I prefer to figure out things for myself during translation 我喜欢自己解决翻译中遇到的问题
What matters most to me is enjoying what I do我做翻译主要是因为喜欢翻译
What matters most to me is enjoying what I do我做翻译主要是因为喜欢翻译
It is important that translation offers me an outlet for self-expression.我很看重翻译为我提供表现自我的机会
It is important that translation offers me an outlet for self-expression.我很看重翻译为我提供表现自我的机会
I prefer to deal with translation tasks I am good at than those that stretch my abilities比起能提升我能力的翻译任务,我更喜欢自己擅长的任务
I prefer to deal with translation tasks I am good at than those that stretch my abilities比起能提升我能力的翻译任务,我更喜欢自己擅长的任务
No matter what the outcome is of a project, I am satisfied if I gained a new experience.只要能获得新的经验, 我就很满足了,翻译结果如何没那么重要
No matter what the outcome is of a project, I am satisfied if I gained a new experience.只要能获得新的经验, 我就很满足了,翻译结果如何没那么重要
I am more comfortable when I can set my own goals for translation能自己设定翻译目标会让我比较自在
I am more comfortable when I can set my own goals for translation能自己设定翻译目标会让我比较自在
When I do translation, I'm so absorbed in it that I can forget about everything else.翻译时我常全神贯注,不记得其他杂事
When I do translation, I'm so absorbed in it that I can forget about everything else.翻译时我常全神贯注,不记得其他杂事
It is important for me to be able to translate what I most enjoy翻译自己喜欢的东西对我而言很重要
It is important for me to be able to translate what I most enjoy翻译自己喜欢的东西对我而言很重要
I enjoy relatively simple, straightforward tasks我喜欢简单、要求明晰的翻译任务
I enjoy relatively simple, straightforward tasks我喜欢简单、要求明晰的翻译任务
I am strongly motivated by the money I can earn from translation报酬很大程度上影响我的翻译积极性
I am strongly motivated by the money I can earn from translation报酬很大程度上影响我的翻译积极性
I am keenly aware of the career goals I have for myself.我很在意能否实现自己在翻译工作上的职业目标
I am keenly aware of the career goals I have for myself.我很在意能否实现自己在翻译工作上的职业目标
I am strongly motivated by recognition I can earn from others翻译获得认可会让我积极性高涨
I am strongly motivated by recognition I can earn from others翻译获得认可会让我积极性高涨
I want others to find out how good I really can be at translation我想让别人知道自己翻译水平到底有多棒
I want others to find out how good I really can be at translation我想让别人知道自己翻译水平到底有多棒
I seldom think about salary and advancement.翻译时我不太计较报酬和升职问题
I seldom think about salary and advancement.翻译时我不太计较报酬和升职问题
I am keenly aware of the income goals I have for myself翻译报酬是否达到我的预期对我而言很重要
I am keenly aware of the income goals I have for myself翻译报酬是否达到我的预期对我而言很重要
To me, success means translating better than others.我认为译得比别人好就是译得成功
To me, success means translating better than others.我认为译得比别人好就是译得成功
I have to feel that I am earning something for what I translate. 翻译付出和回报是否等值对我而言很重要
I have to feel that I am earning something for what I translate. 翻译付出和回报是否等值对我而言很重要
As long as I can translate what I like, I am not that concerned about exactly what I’m paid只要是翻译我喜欢的东西,回报多少对我而言没那么重要
As long as I can translate what I like, I am not that concerned about exactly what I’m paid只要是翻译我喜欢的东西,回报多少对我而言没那么重要
I believe there is no point in translating well if nobody else knows about it.如果没人知道我是译者,翻译得好没有意义
I believe there is no point in translating well if nobody else knows about it.如果没人知道我是译者,翻译得好没有意义
I am concerned about how others are going to react my translations.我很在意别人怎么看待我的翻译
I am concerned about how others are going to react my translations.我很在意别人怎么看待我的翻译
I prefer working on projects with clearly specified procedures.我喜欢在翻译流程标准化的公司工作/和翻译流程标准化的公司合作
I prefer working on projects with clearly specified procedures.我喜欢在翻译流程标准化的公司工作/和翻译流程标准化的公司合作
I am less concerned with what job I do than what I can get from it.翻译任务是什么不重要,重要的是通过这个任务我能获得什么(知识/金钱)
I am less concerned with what job I do than what I can get from it.翻译任务是什么不重要,重要的是通过这个任务我能获得什么(知识/金钱)
I am not that concerned about what others think of my work我不太在意别人如何看待我的译者身份
I am not that concerned about what others think of my work我不太在意别人如何看待我的译者身份
I prefer to have someone set specified requirements for me in translation我喜欢那些要求明确的翻译任务
I prefer to have someone set specified requirements for me in translation我喜欢那些要求明确的翻译任务
If you have any questions about the structure and comprehensibility of this inventory, please leave your comments below. Thanks again for your time and cooperation.
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