AmCham South China Flash Survey on Event Feedback

Dear members,


We would appreciate it if you could take only 1-2 minutes to complete the event feedback survey in order to help us provide a more satisfying and effective event experience for you. Please leave your personal contact information on the last page for lucky draw. All responses will be kept strictly confidential. Thank you very much for your time and support.


Are you satisfied with the overall event organization? 您对商会活动的整体组织情况是否满意?
Very satisfying 非常满意
Satisfying 满意 
Mediocre 一般
Dissatisfying 不满意
Which types of events are you looking forward to the most? (Please check all that apply) 未来您最期待参加以下哪些类型的活动?【多选题】
Briefing 简介会
Topic seminar/workshop/salon 话题研讨会
Conference/forum/summit 会议/论坛/峰会
Business delegation and investment trip 商务投资考察代表团
Networking mixer/ice-breaking party/reception/cocktail 交流酒会/破冰酒会/欢迎酒会/鸡尾酒会
Ball 舞会
Executive lunch meeting 高管午餐会
Webinar 网络研讨会
Charity events 慈善系列活动
Sports 体育类活动
Training 培训
Community and family activities 社区及家庭活动
Factory/site visit 工厂/企业参观交流会
Campus tour 大学参观
Government meetings 政府会见及交流会
Others (please specify) 其他(请详述)

What topics would you like to see more of at our next event? (Please check all that apply) 您希望在未来的活动中了解以下哪些主题?

Economic, trade and investment 经济、贸易与投资
Global sourcing and outsourcing trends 全球采购和外包趋势
Go Global Strategy 出海策略
Finance, tax and accounting 金融、税务与会计
Law and regulations 法律法规
Digital transformation and innovation 数字转型与创新
Marketing and branding 市场营销和品牌推广
Operation and supply chain management 运营和供应链管理
Policy interpretation 政策解读
Compliance requirements 合规要求
Data transfer and data protection 数据转移和数据保护
Crisis management and communication 危机管理和沟通
Medicine and healthcare 医疗健康
ESG and CSR 环境、社会和治理及企业社会责任
Mergers and acquisition 合并与收购
IPR 知识产权保护
Public relations 公关
Human Resources 人力资源
Leadership 领导力
Education 教育
Others (please specify) 其他(请详述)
Where would you like the event to be held? Why? 您希望在哪些场地举办活动?为什么?【多选题】
Hotel multifunctional hall 酒店多功能会议厅
Corporate meeting room 公司会议室
Shared space 共享空间
School auditorium 学校大礼堂
Others (please specify) 其他(请详述)

Do you have any comments, thoughts, or suggestions for our future events? 您对商会未来活动有哪些评价/想法/建议?

Yes (please specify) 有(请详述)
No 没有
How do you receive the event notification? (Please check all that apply) 您是通过何种途径获得活动信息的?【多选题】
WeChat notice 微信公众号推送
EDM 电子邮件
Website 官网
Recommendation by Membership Managers 会员经理推荐
Others (Please specify) 其他(请详述)
Are you interested in becoming a speaker at our future event? 您是否感兴趣成为未来活动的演讲者之一吗?
Yes 是的
No 否
Personal Information 个人信息 (For Lucky Draw 抽奖所需)
Company Name 公司名称
Contact Person 姓名
Position 职位
Mobile Number 手机号码
Email 电子邮箱