"A Day in the Life of a Soldier" game experience questionnaire


Thank you very much for playing this game! Please fill in the questionnaire according to your actual situation during the game experience. This questionnaire is filled in anonymously and the content of the questionnaire will not be used for other purposes. Please feel free to fill in it.

1. 游戏场景搭建真实,容易沉浸其中。
The game scene is real and easy to immerse.
很不同意/Strongly disagree
很同意/Quite agree
2. 游戏交互界面简约美观且功能完善。
The interactive interface of the game is simple, beautiful and functional.
很不同意/Strongly disagree
很同意/Quite agree
3. 体验本游戏时,你对国防知识的学习更感兴趣。
When playing this game, you are more interested in learning national defense knowledge.
很不同意/Strongly disagree
很同意/Quite agree
4. 本游戏能够加强你对国防知识的理解和记忆。
This game can strengthen your understanding and memory of national defense knowledge.
很不同意/Strongly disagree
很同意/Quite agree
5. 游戏内交互设计合理。
The game interaction is well designed.
很不同意/Strongly disagree
很同意/Quite agree
6. 游戏操作简单使用方便。
The game is easy to operate and easy to use.
很不同意/Strongly disagree
很同意/Quite agree
7. 游戏运行稳定流畅。
The game runs smoothly and stably.
很不同意/Strongly disagree
很同意/Quite agree
8. 您游玩时感到“不知下一步该做什么”的迷茫的频率有多高?
How often do you feel lost while playing, "not knowing what to do next"?
9. 本游戏提高了你对中国人民解放军和武警部队的认知。
This game improves your knowledge of the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force of China.
很不同意/Strongly disagree
很同意/Quite agree
10. 您认为本游戏与“征兵宣传”的主题关联性有多强?
How relevant do you think this game is to the theme of "conscription"?
基本不相关/Basically irrelevant
非常相关/Very relevant
11. 你对本国防知识科普游戏的满意度。
Your satisfaction with this national defense knowledge popularization game.
很不满意/Very disgruntled
很满意/Quite satisfied
12. 还有什么想说的?
Anything else you want to say?