WAEF 2023 Sponsor Form 赞助商申请表

Welcome to The World Arts and Embodiment Forum (WAEF) 2023

Contact: waef2023@inspirees.com
Basic personal information 个人基本信息【Please select 5-6 item】
Name 姓名
required field 必填
Country 国家
required field 必填
Organization/Department 组织/机构
required field 必填
Position 职务
required field 必填
Email 电子邮箱
required field 必填
Other contacts with organizational responsibilities within the organization 其他联系方式
What kind/level of sponsorship are you interested in? Please indicate details. 您倾向哪种类型/级别的赞助?请补充具体内容【Please select 1-4 item】
Donate books/videos 捐赠书籍/视频
Sponsor event tickets 赞助活动门票
Sponsor ads (Forum tickets, website, newsletter) 赞助广告(论坛门票、网站、推文)
Others 其他
What type of advertisement strategies would you utilize? Please indicate details. 您计划投放哪种类型的广告?可补充具体内容【Please select 1-5 item】
Promotion of my organization/institution 宣传组织/机构/单位
University program 高校教育项目
Private training program 私人培训项目
Research project 科研项目
Others 其他
What is the contribution you are able to make for sponsorship? Please indicate details. 您倾向赞助的预算是多少?可补充具体内容
200 USD 1500人民币左右
500 USD 3500元人民币左右
1000 USD 8000元人民币左右
Over 1000 USD 高于7000人民币
Other suggestions 其他建议
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