Welcome to the Playmobil feedback survey!

We’re eager to hear all about your recent Playmobil Wechat Store visit. We will use your feedback to improve our solutions and the way in which we do business.
1. What gender do you identify as?
Prefer not to answer
2. What is your age?
20 and under
41 and over
Prefer not to answer
3. How old is your child?
0-4 years old
5-8 years old
9-12 years old
12-18 years old
Prefer not to answer
4. What is your highest level of education?
PHD or higher
High school or lower
5. Where are you located?
6. How much do you spend on toys per year (in RMB)?
How much do you spend on extra curricular activities/tuition per year (in RMB)?
7. What impacts your toy selection? (On a scale from 0 to 8)
Advertisements (TV, bill board, pop-up stores…)
Advertisements (TV, bill board, pop-up stores…)
Social media
Social media
Internet research
Internet research
Recommendation by friends
Recommendation by friends
Consumer ratings
Consumer ratings
Own experience in (physical) toy & fun stores (mall stores)
Own experience in (physical) toy & fun stores (mall stores)
8. What are your preferred buying channels? (On a scale from 0 to 8)
Webstore manufacturer
Webstore manufacturer
Online from distributor (e.g. T-Mall)
Online from distributor (e.g. T-Mall)
Specialty play & toy stores
Specialty play & toy stores
Shopping malls
Shopping malls
Hyper markets (e.g. Sam’s club)
Hyper markets (e.g. Sam’s club)
Irrelevant … lowest price counts
Irrelevant … lowest price counts
Second hand
Second hand
9. Shopping experience with mini-program (On a scale from 0 to 8)
Were you satisfied with the overall shopping experience?
Were you satisfied with the overall shopping experience?
How easy is it for you to navigate our mini-program?
How easy is it for you to navigate our mini-program?
Did you find enough range of products?
Did you find enough range of products?
How was your customer service experience on our mini program?
How was your customer service experience on our mini program?
How was your shipment/delivery experience on our mini program?
How was your shipment/delivery experience on our mini program?
10. How likely are you to buy Playmobil toys again? (On a scale from 0 to 8)
How likely are you to recommend Playmobil toys to your family and friends?
How likely are you to recommend Playmobil toys to your family and friends?
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