Business survey 商业调查

1. Where do you work or have authority over your company, business unit, or branch?
Mainland China 中国大陆
Switzerland 瑞士
Hong Kong China 中国香港
Other countries 其他国家
2. Do you sell B2B or B2C?贵公司主要销售方式为B2B,或者B2C?
3. Do you participate to public tenders? 贵公司参加公开招标吗?
Yes 是
No 否
4. What is your company doing in China? 贵公司在中国的业务范围?【Multiple】
R&D 研发
Manufacturing 生产制造
Maintenance 维修
Distribution 分销
Marketing & Sales 市场营销
service company 咨询公司
5. Which are your most important competitors?
FIEs (Foreign-invested enterprise also Foreign companies) 外商投资企业(外国公司)
Chinese private companies 中国私营企业
China State-owned companies 中国国有企业
6. Is your company a member of the following associations? If not, are you interested in learning more about the Swiss Chamber?
SwissCham Beijing 北京中国瑞士商会
SwissCham Shanghai 上海中国瑞士商会
SwissCham South China 华南中国瑞士商会
SwissCham Southwest China 西南中国瑞士商会
SwissCham Hongkong 香港中国瑞士商会
SwissCham National Member 中国瑞士商会全国会员
No, I am not interested 否,我不感兴趣
Yes, I am interested 是的,我有兴趣了解更多关于瑞士商会的信息
7. How long has your organization been operating in China? 贵公司在中国开展业务的时长?
Less than 1 year 少于1年
1-5 year 1-5年
6-10 years 6-10年
Over 10 years 超过10年
8. How would you describe your business's performance in quarter Q3 in China?
Improving 提高
Stable 平稳
Worse 糟糕
Not sure 不确定
9. What is the percentage of imported content from on your company’s revenue in China?
<5% 小于5%
5% to 10% 5%到10%之间
10% to 20% 10%到20%之间
20% to 30% 20%到30%之间
More than 30% 超过30%
None 没有
Not sure 不确定
10. What proportion of your company's revenue comes from exporting content to China?
<5% 小于5%
5% to 10% 5%到10%之间
10% to 20% 10%到20%之间
20% to 30% 20%到30%之间
More than 30% 超过30%
None 没有
Not sure 不确定
11. In comparison to the first nine months of 2022, how did your company's revenue in mainland China change in 2023?
Increased substantially >20% 大幅增长 20%
Increased 5-20% 增长 5-20%之间
Decrease 5-20% 减少5-20%之间
Decrease substantially <20% 大幅减少20%
Remained the same +-5% 保持不变+-5%
I don’t know 不确定
12. In the past quarter, how would you describe the volume of new orders or business inquiries your company has received for the Chinese market?
Increased substantially >20% 大幅增长 20%
Increased 5-20% 增长 5-20%之间
Remained the same +-5% 保持不变+-5%
Decrease 5-20% 减少5-20%之间
Decrease substantially <20% 大幅减少20%
Not sure 不确定
13. How do you expect your business performance to evolve during Q4/2023 in China?
Improving 提高
Stable 稳定
Worse 糟糕
Not sure 不确定
14. What are the issues impacting your business outlook?
Regulatory burden 监管负担
Tough competition 激烈的竞争
Supply chain issues 供应链问题
Domestic demands 国内需求
International demands 国际需求
15. How will your organization’s total investment in its China business change in 2024? 
Increased substantially >20% 大幅增长 >20%
Increased 5-20% 增长 5-20%之间
Decrease 5-20% 减少 5-20%之间
Decrease substantially <20% 大幅减少 20%
Remain the same 保持不变
No planned investment 无投资计划
16. What is your company future investment objective to China? 
Serve the China market ONLY 仅进入或服务中国市场
Serve China AND export platform to other Asian countries 服务于中国和其他亚洲国家的出口平台
Export platform to serve world market 服务于世界市场的出口平台
17. Over the past 24 months, the China Switzerland Free Trade Agreement has been beneficial to my organization? 
Greatly agree 非常同意
Somewhat agree 基本同意
No impact 没有影响
Somewhat disagree 有点不同意
Greatly disagree 非常不同意
Do not know 不知道
Not applicable 不适用
19. Do you Refer to Switzerland in your marketing?
Yes, we advertise our products as “Swiss made” 是的,我们经常宣传我们的产品是瑞士制造
I use the Swiss Flag in our logo. 是的,我们经常在商标、广告中使用瑞士国旗
No, we don’t refer to Switzerland in our marketing 不是,我们在营销中没有提到瑞士
20. Do you have any specific matters or advocacy that you would like to communicate to the Chamber for further consideration or reporting?
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