A Survey on Situation Teaching of Junior Middle School English (Questionnaire for Students)

Dear Grade 8 students of Wanhe Experimental School,
      Hello! According to the requirements of the new curriculum reform, situational teaching method has been used more and more frequently in junior high school English classes, but there are still some unsolved problems in the actual application process. Therefore, I combined with the questionnaire survey to understand the application status of the teaching method in the eighth grade oral English teaching. Thank you for taking your time to participate in this survey. I hope you can answer every question seriously and truthfully. This survey is not for other purposes, but only for my academic research. Thank you for your cooperation!

Note: The situational teaching method is purposeful for teachers, combining pictures, videos, etc., through role-playing, group activities, in-class games, music appreciation and other means to visualize the teaching content, and create a class that makes students feel relaxed, happy and peaceful so that can stimulate students' emotions and achieve certain teaching methods.
1. What is your gender?
2. Do you like the situational teaching method?
3. Do you think the students in the class like situational teaching method?
4. Do you think that using situational teaching in English class can increase your interest in English class?
5. If the teacher uses situational teaching method to teach, will you actively participate?
6. Does the teacher use the situational teaching method frequently in ordinary teaching?
7. In what part of the class does the teacher usually use situational teaching method?
8. In what kinds of teaching does the teacher often use situational teaching method?
9. What do you think of your spoken English?
10. Do you want to improve your spoken English?
11. What do you think of your teacher's oral English?
12. Do you think the teacher's oral English has any influence on your oral English learning?
13. Does the school offer oral English class?
14. Will the teacher take oral classes alone?
15.In what way does the teacher give the oral English class?
16. If there were an oral class, which way would you prefer?
17. Do you think using situational teaching method can improve your oral English?
18.Besides in class, do you spend time reading English and practicing oral English by yourself after class?
19. Do you think your current level of spoken English is directly related to your teachers?
20. What is your opinion or suggestion on the application of situational teaching method in spoken English?
17. Do you think using situational teaching method can improve your oral English?
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