保安服务满意度调查 Security service satisfaction survey

1. 您对保安的仪表形象,精神风貌的满意度。
Your satisfaction with the security's appearance and mental outlook.
2. 您对保安的服务态度的满意度。
Your satisfaction with the security's service attitude.
3. 保安现场协助处理事务的及时性程度。
The timeliness of the security on handling affairs assistance on-site.
4. 保安对物品进出检查登记的严格程度。
The strictness of security for items entry and exit inspection and registration.
5. 保安对人员、车辆进出管理的严格程度。
The strictness of security for personnel and vehicle access management.
6. 保安测体温的严格程度。
The strictness of the security for temperature checking.
7. 您觉得目前公司安保状况如何?
What do you think of the company's current security situation?
8. 保安人员是否有在岗位上睡觉的行为?
Do the security guards sleep during work?
9. 如以上情况存在,请补充说明。
If the above question is yes, please add:
10. 保安人员是否有脱岗(保安岗位上无人值守)的情况?
Are the security personnel off duty (no one is on duty at the security post)?
11. 如以上情况存在,请补充说明。
If the above question is yes, please add:
12. 关于保安工作,您有哪些好的建议?谢谢!
In which areas do you think the security work still needs to be improved, please provide your suggestions and comments, thank you!
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