
1. 你的性别(gender)
2. 你的年龄阶段()what is your age
3. 你的学历(What is your education background)
4. 你判断人生价值的标准是什么(What are your criteria for judging the value of life)
5. 你认为以下哪种人生最让你满意(Which of the following life do you think is most satisfying)
6. 你所向往的生活是以下哪种(What kind of life do you want)
7. 你交朋友更看重哪些方面(What do you value more about making friends)
8. 对于消费你怎么看待(What do you think of consumption)
9. 对于社会上的时事热点(Do you pay attention to current events)
10. 你是哪个国家的人(where are you form)
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