
请问您的年龄段在?(May I know your age?)
您每天在微信上花费的时间大约在?(How much time do you spend on WeChat every day?)
您接触微信并使用它的最主要原因是什么?(What is the main reason you use WeChat)
您使用微信时,最频繁应用的功能是什么?(What functions do you use most frequently when you use WeChat?)
对您而言,微信以下局限中困扰您的是?(What's troubling you about the following limitations of WeChat?)
您希望微信改进哪些问题?(What issues would you like WeChat to improve?)
您使用过苹果无线妙控鼠标吗?(Have you ever used Apple Magic Mouse?)
您购买并使用二代苹果无线妙控鼠标的原因是什么?(What is the reason for you to buy and use the 2nd generation Apple Magic Mouse?)
您一般会用苹果无线妙控鼠标做什么?(What do you usually do with Apple's magic mouse ?)
充电接口位于鼠标底部,导致充电的同时无法使用鼠标。这一设计是否让您觉得不便?(The charging port is located at the bottom of the mouse, making it impossible to use the mouse while charging.Does this design bother you?)
当您触摸滚动鼠标时,页面滑动与您手指滑动的方向相反,这是否违背了您的常识认知并让你觉得不便?(When you touch the scroll mouse, the page slides in the opposite direction from the slide of your finger. Does this violate your common sense and inconvenience you?
您希望苹果无线妙控鼠标如何改进?( How do you like Apple to improve with the magic mouse?)
您在日常生活中是否经常使用下图中的墙壁插座?(Do you often use the wall socket in your daily life?)
您是否认为下图所示的状况(由于插座设计以及充电插头体积较大导致无法同时使用双孔和三孔插座)为您充电时带来了不便?(Do you think the situation shown in the figure below (due to the socket design and the large size of the charging plug, it is not possible to use both double and triple hole sockets at the same time) brings inconvenience to your charging?)
在日常生活中,您是否认为下图所示的地面伸缩插座未经手动收回后,有绊倒路人的风险?(In daily life, do you think that the ground retractable socket shown in the picture below has the risk of tripping passers-by if it is not manually retracted?)
您希望题目中提到的墙壁插座如何改进?(How would you like the wall socket mentioned in the questionnaire to be improved?)
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