培训评估表 Training Evaluation Form

为不断提升培训效果,特邀各位在培训结束后填写评估表,反馈您对本次培训的意见和建议。 To continuously improve training effect,you are sincerely invited to make the evaluation to this training and provide your comments.
1. 培训课程 Training Course
2. 培训日期 Training Date
3. 讲师 Trainer
4. 您对此次培训的总体满意程度(1分最低,5分最高,以下打分题同此) What is your overall evaluation score to this training (1 is lowest, 5 is highest, same for other evaluation by scores)
5. 培训内容与我工作的相关性 Training content relevant to my work
6. 培训课程的实用性 Training course usefulness to provide guidance
7. 培训课程的组织安排 Training organization and arrangement
8. 您对讲师的整体评价 What is your overall evaluation to the trainer
9. 针对本次培训,您希望在哪些方面看到改善?What kind of important you want to see for this training?
10. 培训后您打算在日常工作中开展哪些行动以运用所学?What actions you plan to take in your daily work after this training to apply the knowledge & skills you learned?
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