
The Predictive Role of Academic Self-efficacy and Academic Motivation in Academic Burnout among Chinese EFL Students
1. Giving Consent
I hereby declare that I voluntarily participated in this study. I let the researchers use my responses as data as far as my identity remains anonymous. In addition, the researchers guarantee that all information I provide for this study will be treated confidentially.
Demographic Information基本信息

2. Gender
3. Age
4. Grade
5. Province

I. Student Academic Burnout 学生学业倦怠
Instruction: Please respond to the following statements on a seven-point Likert scale.
Always (6), Almost always (5), Often (4), Sometimes (3), Rarely (2), Almost Never (1), Never (0).
6. Exhaustion
  • Never
  • Almost Never
  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Often
  • Almost always
  • Always
I feel emotionally drained by my studies. 我的学习让我感到萎靡不振。
I feel used up at the end of a day at university. 大学的一天结束后,我感到筋疲力尽。
I feel tired when I get up in the morning and I have to face another day at the university. 在大学里,我早上起床时感到很累,可我不得不面对新的一天。
Studying or attending a class is really a strain for me. 学习或上课对我来说真的是一种压力。
I feel burned out from my studies. 我的学习使我精疲力竭。
7. Cynicism
  • Never
  • Almost Never
  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Often
  • Almost always
  • Always
I have become less interested in my studies since my enrollment at the university. 自从我上大学以来,我对学习的兴趣越来越低。
I have become less enthusiastic about my studies. 我对学习的热情降低了。
I have become more cynical about the potential usefulness of my studies. 我越来越怀疑学习的潜在用处。
I doubt the significance of my studies. 我怀疑我的研究的意义。
8. Professional efficacy
  • Never
  • Almost Never
  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Often
  • Almost always
  • Always
I can effectively solve the problems that arise in my studies. 我能有效解决学习中出现的问题。
I believe that I make an effective contribution to the classes that I attend. 我相信自己对所上的课程做出了有效的贡献。
In my opinion, I am a good student. 在我看来,我是一个好学生。
I feel stimulated when I achieve my study goals. 当我达到学习目标时,我感到很兴奋。
I have learned many interesting things during the course of my studies. 在学习过程中,我学到了很多有趣的东西。
During class I feel confident that I am effective in getting things done. 在课堂上,我确信自己有效地完成了任务。
II. Student Academic Self-efficacy 学生学业自我效能感
Instruction: Please respond to the following statements on a seven-point Likert scale. Not at all true of me (0), Greatly not true of me (1), Slightly not true of me (2), No idea (3), Slightly true of me (4), Greatly true of me (5), Very true of me (6).
9. Student Academic Self-efficacy
  • Not at all true of me
  • Greatly not true of me
  • Slightly not true of me
  • No idea
  • Slightly true of me
  • Greatly true of me
  • Very true of me
Compared with other students in this class, I expect to do well. 与班上其他同学相比,我希望能做得很好。
I’m certain I can understand the ideas taught in this course. 我确信我能理解本课程中所教授的思想。
I expect to do very well in this class. 我希望在这门课上表现得很好。
Compared with others in this class, I think I’m a good student. 与班上的其他同学相比,我认为我是一个好学生。
I am sure I can do an excellent job on the problems and tasks assigned for this class. 我确信我能很好地完成这门课布置的问题和分配的任务。
I think I will receive a good grade in this class. 我认为我会在这个班上取得好成绩。
My study skills are excellent compared with others in this class. 与班上其他同学相比,我的学习技能非常优秀。
Compared with other students in this class, I think I know a great deal about the subject. 与班上其他学生相比,我认为我对这门学科了解很多。
I know that I will be able to learn the material for this class. 我知道我将能够学会这门课的材料。
III. Student Academic Motivation 学生学习动机
Instruction: These items are concerned with how you feel in general about taking English language classes at the university. Please respond to the following items on a seven-point Likert scale.
Not at all true of me (7), Greatly not true of me (6), Slightly not true of me (5), No idea (4), Slightly true of me (3), Greatly true of me (2), Very true of me (1).
10. Student Academic Motivation学生学习动机
  • Not at all true of me
  • Greatly not true of me
  • Slightly not true of me
  • No idea
  • Slightly true of me
  • Greatly true of me
  • Very true of me
Motivated 有动机的
Interested 感兴趣的
Involved 融入进去的
Stimulated 受激励的
Want to Study想学习
Inspired 受鼓舞的
Challenged 受到挑战的
Invigorated 充满活力的
Excited 兴奋的
Aroused 被激发的
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