
1. 年龄
2. 性别
3. I learn English because it is interesting.我学习英语是因为它有趣
4. I learn English for life-long learning.我学习英语是为了终身学习
5. I learn English for personal fulfilment.我学习英语是为了使自己满意
6. I learn English to open up a world of leisure and entertainment.我学习英语是为了通向轻松自在的世界
7. I learn English because it helps me develop positive values and attitudes.我学习英语是因为它帮助我发展积极的价值观和态度
8. I learn English because I would like to communicate with diverse people in the world. 我学习英语是因为我需要和世界上多种多样的人交流
9. I learn English because I would like to increase cultural understanding.我学习英语是因为我想增加文化理解力
10. I learn English because it is a compulsory subject at school.我学习英语是因为这是学校必须学习的科目
11. I learn English to fulfil my parents' or other people's expectation.我学习英语是为了满足父母或其他人的期望
12. I learn English for achieving good results in public exams.我学习英语是为了在公共考试中取得好的成绩
13. I learn English to get into top university.我学习英语是为了进入顶尖大学
14. I learn English for career development.我学习英语是为了职业发展
15. I learn English to adapt to the rapid changes and demands of society.我学习英语是为了适应社会的变化和需求
16. I learn English for social development.我学习英语是为了推动社会发展
17. I prefer to take one-to-one EPT pattern (我更喜欢一对一模式)
18. I prefer to take small group EPT pattern(我更喜欢小组模式)
19. I prefer to take large group EPT pattern(我更喜欢大组模式)
20. I prefer high intensity of EPT.我喜欢高强度的英语私人辅导
21. I prefer low intensity of EPT. 我喜欢低强度的英语私人辅导
22. A good relationship with my tutor can motivate me to do more exercises in oral English for more communication.因为我和辅导教师关系好,所以这促使我想要在口语中进行更多的训练以获得更多的英语交流
23. A good relationship with my tutor can motivate me to be a good person like him/her.因为我和辅导教师关系好,所以这促使我想要成为和他一样优秀的人
24. A good relationship with my tutor can motivate me to keep enthusiasm in English class.因为我和辅导教师关系好,所以这促使我想要在课堂上保持热情
25. A good relationship with my tutor can motivate me to know more about British culture.因为我和辅导教师关系好,所以这促使我想要对英国文化了解更多
26. A good relationship with my tutor can motivate me to find enjoyment in English.因为我和辅导教师关系好,所以这促使我想要在英语学习中寻找乐趣
27. A poor relationship with my tutor can make me lose confidence and interest in English learning.因为我和辅导教师关系不好,所以这使我丧失了对英语学习的自信和兴趣
28. A good relationship with my tutor can motivate me to get higher grades in English.因为我和辅导教师关系好,所以这促使我想要获得更高的英语分数
29. A good relationship with my tutor can motivate me to show good performance to fulfill his/her expectations of me.因为我和辅导教师关系好,所以这促使我想要表现得更好以不辜负他对我的期望
30. A poor relationship with my tutor can hinder me from achiveing good results in English.因为我和辅导教师关系不好,所以这阻碍我想要在考试中取得好成绩
31. A good relationship with my tutor can motivate me to find a decent job relating to English in the future.因为我和辅导教师关系好,所以这促使我想要在未来从事和英语有关的体面工作
32. Which EPT pattern do you like best? 你最喜欢哪种英语私人辅导模式?
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