
请2022年秋季学期录取的境外学历生于北京时间8月23日下午15:00前完成该问卷。This Questionnaire is for Newly admitted 2022 Degree Program Students outside Chinese mainland regarding Admission Intention, please complete it before 15:00 pm, August 23 (Beijing Time).
1. 你的申请编号(如果你是中国政府奖学金Type A获得者,请填写你的CSC编号) Your Application Number (If you are a recipient of the Chinese Government Scholarship Type A, please fill in your CSC number)
2. 你的姓名  Full Name (Consistent with Your Passport)
3. 护照号码 Passport Number
4. 入学项目类型 Study Level
5. 联系电话(含国际电话区号) Telephone Number (Including the International Telephone Code)
6. 电子邮箱 E-mail
7. 是否有微信账号?如没有,请前往以下网址下载并注册英文版微信。
Do you have Wechat? If the answer is No, please go to the following website to download and register a personal account.
8. 目前居住国家 Current Country of Residence
9. 详细居住地址(请具体到门牌号),将用于接收录取及签证材料。Detailed Residential Address which will be used to receive admission and visa materials (Please provide complete address information including room number, street, city and province, etc.)
10. 居住地邮编 Postal Code for Current Residence
11. 预计至2023年9月,是否仍在此地址居住? Will you be living here till September 2023?
12. 请确认自己的申请状态为已录取且已收到录取通知书扫描件。Please confirm that your ISSS application status is Accepted and have received your Admission Letter or E-admission Letter.
13. 是否愿意参加2022秋季学期线上注册并参与学校线上授课? Will you register online and take online courses for 2022 Fall Semester?
14. 在你收到签证材料后,是否会即刻办理来华手续?(在华期间隔离费用需要自理,预计为8000元-10000元)Will you go through the formalities for coming to China immediately after you receive the visa documents? (The cost of isolation during your stay in China needs to be paid by yourself, estimated to be 8,000-10,000 yuan)
15. 不能立刻办理手续的原因是?The reason why you can't go through the formalities immediately?
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