酒店在线评论对消费者购买意愿的影响研究调查问卷 the impact of online reviews on consumers’ purchase intention

尊敬的先生/女士: 您好!我是萨里大学酒店管理专业的王晨昊。非常感谢您抽出宝贵的时间参与此次学术调研。请您根据个人的经验、感受或预期来选择适当的答案。此问卷为匿名填写,所收集数据仅作学术使用,不涉及任何商业用途。您所提供的宝贵信息是本次研究的关键,恳请您能真实回答下列问题,大概需要您五分钟的时间回答问题。非常非常感谢🙏🏻
第一部分    个人基本情况  Personality information
1. 您的性别是? Gender
2. 您的年龄 Age
3. 您的受教育程度是? Education level
4. 您的就业状况 employment status
5. Average number of trips pre year 每年旅行次数
第二部分   行为调研  Behavioral research
6. 你在选择酒店前是否搜索酒店信息与在线评论? Have you ever searched hotel information and online comment?
7. 在线评论是可靠的 Online reviews are reliable
8. 我很在意别人对这家酒店的评论 I would care reviewers’ comments of this hotel 
9. 在选择酒店时我愿意参考在线评论 I am willing to refer online reviews when choosing a hotel
10. 在线评论会多大程度影响我对酒店的选择 Online reviews can influence my choice of the hotel
11. 在线评论会改变我对该酒店的想法和态度 Online reviews will change my mind and attitude about this hotel
以下衡量您对酒店在线评论可提供信息的看法  The following measures your views on the opinion of the information available in online hotel reviews
12. 在预订酒店后您是否会分享您的经验和意见 After booking the hotel room and travelling, did you share your experiences and opinions about it on internet
13. 通过在线评论,可以了解酒店信息 Online reviews for hotel information
14. 我会在意在线评论中的差评 I would care about a bad review in an online review
15. 积极的顾客评论会提升我的酒店预定意向 Positive customer reviews improve my hotel reservation intentions
16. 负面的的顾客评论会降低我的酒店预定意向 Positive customer reviews improve my hotel reservation intentions
17. 我会在意在线评论的数量 (及好评或差评数量)I would care about the number of hotel reviews
18. 我会在意顾客线上评论下酒店的态度与反馈 I will care about the attitude and feedback of those who respond under the comments
19. 酒店积极真诚的与消费者互动并给予反馈提升了我对该酒店看法 Genuine and positive with hotel interaction to consumers influence my perceptions positively
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