
您好,我们是XXX,我们正在进行一项关于大学生网购的调查,想邀请您用几分钟时间帮忙填答这份问卷。本问卷实行匿名制,所有数据只用于统计分析, 请您放心填写。题目选项无对错之分,请您按自己的实际情况填写。谢谢您的帮助。
1. male & female(您的性别):
2. Your grade(你所在的年级)?
3. Have you ever purchased anything online in the past 6 months?(你过去6个月是否曾经在网络上购买东西?)
4. What are the main reasons why you choose online shopping?(你选择网络购物的主要原因是?)
5. What are the main things you buy online?(你在网上主要购买的东西有哪些?)
6. How often do you usually shop online你平时网购的频率是?
7. How much do you spend on online shopping per month on average?你平均每个月花费在网购上的费用是多少钱?
8. What payment methods are commonly used when shopping online 网上购物时,一般用什么支付方式
9. When shopping online, what is the maximum time you can accept for the delivery of goods?网购时,你对于货物送达能够接受的最长时间是?
10. What factors are you most worried about during online shopping? 网购过程,你最担心的因素是?
11. Overall, are you satisfied with online shopping?总体而言,你对网购是否满意?
12. 你平时网购的频率是?
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