
The information you mentioned in the questionnaire will be strictly confidential, thank you for your support and cooperation.
1. 您的年龄 Your Age
2. 性别 Your Gender:
3. 你有没有参加过环保运动(例如海滩清理、植树等)?
Have you ever participated in an environmental protection campaign (e.g. beach cleanup, tree planting, etc.)?
4. 你用过一次性餐具等一次性用品吗?
Have you used disposable products such as disposable tableware?
5. 您是否使用公共交通工具、自行车或步行而不是开车?
Do you use public transportation, bike or walk instead of driving a car?
6. 您是否在家中节约用水(例如缩短淋浴时间、用淘米水浇花等)?
Do you conserve water at home (e.g. taking shorter showers, water the flowers with rice water, etc.)?
7. 你曾经随地乱扔垃圾吗?
Have you ever been throwing garbage along the place?
8. 你知道“碳足迹”是什么意思吗?
Do you know what "carbon footprint" means?
9. 你有没有采取任何行动来减少你的碳足迹?
Have you ever taken any action to reduce your carbon footprint?
10. 如果有机会,你是否会参加环保志愿服务?
If given the opportunity, would you take part in environmental protection volunteer service?
11. 您是否会关注环保相关新闻?
Do you concern about environmental protection related news?
12. 您是否会主动学习环保相关知识?
Will you take the initiative to learn about environmental protection?
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