
1. 您的性别?1. What is your gender?
2. 您所就读的年级?2. What grade are you in?
3. 您每月的平均生活费?3. What is your average monthly living expenses?
4. 您的生活费的主要来源?4. What is the main source of your living expenses?
5. 你的消费方式为?5. What is your consumption pattern?
6. 你在某项消费时考虑最多的因素?6. What factors do you consider most when making a purchase?
7. 您每月的生活费在哪些方面支出最多请在以下选项中选出最主要五项。7.Where do you spend the most of your monthly living expenses?please choose the top five from the following options.
8. 日常生活用品消费状况?How much do you spend on daily necessities?
9. 您出行的交通形式以什么居多?9. What kind of transportation do you use most?
10. 你是否有定期出去聚餐的习惯或请朋友吃饭的行为?10, Do you have a habit of going out to eat regularly or inviting friends to eat?
11. 你在网上购物吗?11. Do you shop online?
12. 您网购的主要内容?12. What is the main content of your online shopping?
13. 当您想要买某件东西时,却发现钱不够,您会 ?13. When you want to buy something but you don't have enough money, what do you do?
14. 您是否有攒钱的习惯?14. Do you have the habit of saving money?
15. 你最赞成下列哪种说法?15. Which of the following do you agree with most?
16. 您在购买商品时,最在意的是商品的?16. What do you care most about when you buy goods?
17. 和朋友一起消费的时候,您通常会?17. When shopping with friends, what do you usually do?
18. 在给朋友挑选生日礼物时,您会选择?18, When choosing a birthday gift for your friend, which would you choose?
19. 当手中的生活费不够当月开支时,您会选择?19, When the living expenses in your hand are not enough for the current expenses,what will you choose?
20. 我们这次的问卷调查是否引起你对消费状况的重视?Does our questionnaire arouse your concern about the consumption situation?
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