1. What are you pronouns?(您的性别是?)
A. he/him (男)
B. she/her(女)
C. Prefer not to say (保密)
2. What is your age?(您的年纪?)
A. 18-20
B. 21-23
C. 24-26
D. 26-29
E. 30-33
F. 33 and above
3. What is your education?(您的学历为?)
A. High school degree(高中学历)
B. Bachelor degree(本科学历)
C. Postgraduate degree and above(研究生及以上学历)
4. Have you had any experience with AI/ML?(您是否有过使用人工智能/机器学习的经验?)
A. Yes (有)
B. No (没有)
5. Have you had any experience with creative arts?(您有过体验创意艺术的经验吗?)
A. Yes(有)
B. No (没有)
6. Do you have Social Anxiety Disorder? (您有社交焦虑症吗?)
A. Yes(有)
B. No(没有)
What do you think of the psychological sandplay game?(
A. I think the sandplay game is an effective psychological therapy method, which can help people express and solve their inner troubles.
B. I think the sandplay game is an interesting creative activity, which can stimulate people’s imagination and creativity.
C. I think the sandplay game is a boring children’s game, which has no meaning and value.
D. I think the sandplay game is a dangerous suggestive tool, which may affect people’s thinking and behavior.
E. I have no opinion on the sandplay game, and I have no interest in it.
How do you feel about the surrealistic paintings generated by artificial intelligence? (
A. I think the paintings generated by artificial intelligence are a novel art form, which can show the creativity and aesthetics of artificial intelligence.
B. I think the paintings generated by artificial intelligence are a low-level imitation, which cannot compare with the works of human artists.
C. I think the paintings generated by artificial intelligence are an interesting entertainment, which can bring joy and surprise to people.
D. I think the paintings generated by artificial intelligence are a meaningless random, which has no depth and connotation.
E. I have no feeling about the paintings generated by artificial intelligence, and I have no preference for them.
What do you think about the experience of the installation?
A. Very good, I enjoyed it very much and learned a lot. (非常好)
B. Good, I liked it and learned something. (好)
C. Neutral, I did not like it or dislike it, and did not learn much. ( 一般)
D. Bad, I did not like it and did not learn anything. (差)
E. Very bad, I hated it and wasted my time. (非常差)
What suggestions or opinions do you have on the interaction mode of this project? (
A. I think the interaction mode of this project is very creative, which can let users build their own scenes with physical objects in the sandplay, and then see the paintings generated by artificial intelligence, and feel their inner world.
B. I think the interaction mode of this project needs to be improved, which can add more sandplay elements, let users have more choices and combinations, and also add more prompt words, let the paintings generated by artificial intelligence be more rich and diverse.
C. I think the interaction mode of this project is not very reasonable, which may have recognition errors or delays when using webcam to capture the user’s sandplay scene, and may also affect the user’s privacy, suggest using other input methods, such as hand-drawing or taking photos.
D. I think the interaction mode of this project has no characteristics, which is very common to use sandplay and artificial intelligence to generate paintings, and has no novelty, suggest using other interaction modes, such as voice or gesture.
E. I have no suggestions or opinions on the interaction mode of this project, I think the interaction mode of this project is OK, there is no big problem, and there is no special feeling.