
3.您食用过某食品发生身体不适是在哪购买的?(多选)(Where did you get sick from eating some food?)
4.您认为食堂工作人员的卫生状况如何?()(What do you think of the sanitary condition of the canteen staff?)
5.您对食堂餐具的处理方式满意程度?(How satisfied are you with the handling of dinnerware in the canteen?)
6.您对食堂的餐桌及环境卫生满意程度?(How satisfied are you with the table and sanitation in the canteen?)
7.您在食堂用餐时是否吃到过不干净的东西?(Have you ever eaten anything unclean in the canteen?)
8.如果对学校食堂食品安全卫生状况进行打分,您会打多少分?(If you rated it the food safety and hygiene in the school canteen, how would you rate it?)
9.您认为校内超市的卫生状况如何?(There, what do you think of the hygiene of the campus supermarket?)
10.您是否在曾经校内超市买到过期期食品?(Have you ever bought expired food in the campus supermarket?)
11.在校园食品安全问题中,您最担心的是(In the campus food safety issues you are most concerned about?)
12.在您学校周围售卖食品的流动摊贩或路边无卫生许可证的小店多吗?(如烤肠、摊煎饼等)(Are there many mobile food vendors are small roadside shop selling food around your school without sanitation permits?)
13.您平常一星期购买几次流动摊贩或外卖? ( )(how many times a week do you usually buy street vendors or takeaways?)
您对校园食品安全问题的建议和意见是(Your suggestions and opinions on campus food safety issues.)
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