客户调研-在欧洲购买亚洲食品\nCustomer Survey of Asian food Online Retail in Europe [复制]

本问卷用于调查在欧洲(主要地区为法国)的亚洲食品零售市场的顾客偏好。非常感谢您的宝贵意见。This questionnaire is used to investigate customer preferences in the Asian food retail market in Europe (mainly France). Thank you very much for your valuable opinion.
1. 年龄 Age
2. 性别 Gender
3. 职业类型:  Type of occupation
4. 国籍 Nationality
5. 您现在长期居住在 Where you are based in
6. 您喜欢通过什么方式购买亚洲食品吗? (多选) In which way do you like to buy Asian food? (Multiple choices)
7. 您购买亚洲食品的频率是多少? How frequently would you buy Asian food?
8. 您平均每月在亚洲食品上花费多少钱? How much do you spend on Asian food on average monthly?
9. 是什么促使您在网上而不是实体店购买亚洲食品? (可多选) What motivates you to buy Asian food online instead of in-store?
10. 您知道方圆十里(Waysia)吗? Do you know Waysia?
11. 您从哪里了解到方圆十里(Waysia)? (可多选)How do you know Waysia?
12. 您喜欢在哪一天在方圆十里(Waysia)上进行网上购物?(可多选)Which day do you prefer to shop on Waysia?
13. 您会选择在方圆十里(Waysia)购买哪类商品(可多选)What kind of products do you buy on Waysia?
14. 您平均在方圆十里(Waysia)每次花费多少钱?How much do you spend on Waysia each time on average?
15. 您对 方圆十里(Waysia)平台上亚洲食品的种类和质量是否满意? Are you satisfied with the variety and quality of Asian food on Waysia?
16. 您对 方圆十里(Waysia)平台上亚洲食品配送的准确性和及时性满意吗? Are you satisfied with the accuracy and timeliness of Asian food delivery on Waysia?
17. 您对方圆十里(Waysia)的主要担忧是什么?(可多选)What are your main concerns about Waysia? (Multi-choice)
18. 除了方圆十里(Waysia),您还会选择以下哪个线上平台购买亚洲食品?(可多选)In addition to Waysia, which of the following online platforms would you choose to purchase Asian food? (multiple-choice)
19. 您会向朋友或家人推荐在方圆十里购买亚洲食品吗? Would you recommend Waysia to friends or family for buying Asian food?
20. 您希望 Waysia 在欧洲亚洲食品购物方面提供哪些改进或附加服务? What improvements or additional services would you like Waysia to provide for European Asian food shopping?
21. 对于您在欧洲亚洲食品网上零售的体验,您还有其他意见、建议或反馈吗? Do you have any other comments, suggestions or feedback about your experience with Asian Food Online Retail in Europe?
**结束:** End
感谢您的时间和反馈。Thank you for your time and feedback.
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