中学教师行政工作与压力之间的关系\nThe relationship between secondary school teachers administrative work and stress

Thank you very much for participating in this survey! This questionnaire was designed to investigate the relationship between secondary school teacher administrative workload and the stress. This survey will be conducted anonymously and your answers will be kept strictly confidential. Please fill in this questionnaire based on your true situation. The true information you provide will have an important impact on this survey. Thank you again for your time and effort!
1. 您从事教学工作多久了?
What are your average years of teaching?
2. 您一周的教学时长是多少(以小时计算)?
How many hours do you teach in a week?
3. 您一周处理其他教学相关事务的时长是(以小时计算,如备课,与同事交流,与学生监护人沟通,批改作业或试卷,与学生沟通,组织课外活动等)? 
How many hours do you spend in other teaching-related work in a week? For example, individual planning or preparation of lessons, team work and dialogue with colleagues within the school, communication and co-operation with parents or guardians, marking/correcting of student work, student counselling and engaging in extracurricular activities.
4. 您一周处理行政工作(与教学无关的事务)的时长是多少(以小时计算)?
How many hours do you spend in general administrative work or duties (no related to teaching) in a week?
5. 您经常需要处理什么行政工作(与教学无关的事务)?请举例,如无,可填无,谢谢。
What kind of administrative work or duties (no related to teaching) do you often do?Please specify it, if none, please state none, thank you.
6. 您认为什么类型的行政工作(与教学无关的事务)应该交由专业人士而非教师来负责?请举例,如无,可填无,谢谢。
What kind of administrative work or duties (no related to teaching) do you think that should be take responsibility by professionals rather than teachers? Please specify it, if none, please state none, thank you.
7. 您理想中一周中的教学时长是多少(以小时计算)?
How many hours do you expect to teach in a week?
8. 您理想中一周处理其他教学相关事务的时长是多少(以小时计算,如备课,与同事交流,与学生监护人沟通,批改试卷,与学生沟通,参与课外活动教学等)?
How many hours do you expect to spend in other teaching-related work in a week? For example, individual planning or preparation of lessons, team work and dialogue with colleagues within the school, communication and co-operation with parents or guardians, marking/correcting of student work, student counselling, engaging in extracurricular activities.
9. 您理想中一周处理行政工作(与教学无关的事务)的时长是是多少(以小时计算)?
How many hours do you expect to spend in general administrative work or duties (no related to teaching) in a week?
10. 在多大程度上您认为行政工作(与教学无关的事务)消耗了您太多的精力和时间,对您享受个人生活有着负面的影响? 
To what extent do you think administrative work drains so much of your energy or time that it has a negative impact on your private life?
11. 减少行政工作(与教学无关的事务)会让您感到轻松吗? 
Will the reduction of administrative work would bring you relief?
12. 您经常感受到工作压力吗?
Do you frequently feel stressed?
13. 您容易感到生气吗?
Do you easily feel irritated?
14. 您每天都睡眠充足吗
Do you have enough sleep hours every day?
15. 您会有持续性的疲惫吗?
Do you have continual tiredness?
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