
1. 您所在团队
Your group
2. 以下哪个职务/职位系属与您的情况最相符?
Your position
3. 您在公司任职时长
Time in job
4. 您的性别
5. 您的年龄
6. 您的学历
Education Background
7. 我不会轻易离开这家公司
I won't leave this company easily
8. 我愿意向朋友宣传这家公司
I would like to promote this company with my friends
9. 公司能够激励我每天尽全力工作
Company could stimulate me to work hard everyday
10. 我很少考虑“跳槽”
I hardly think about job-hopping
11. 如果有机会,我将向公司以外的人员介绍在这里工作的好处
If there are opportunities,I will introduce advantages to others about working in here
12. 公司能够激励我付出额外的努力,以帮助公司取得成功
Company could stimulate me to pay extra efforts to gain profits.
13. 管理人员关心员工的想法
Managers care about employees' thoughts
14. 必要时,我可以和高层管理人员进行沟通
If it needs,I could communicate with top managers
15. 我的主管向我提供重要的改进意见,以帮助我提高绩效
My supervisor could give me important improvement suggestions
16. 我的主管能够适当地表彰我的努力和成果
My supervisor could commend my efforts and achievements suitably
17. 我的主管营造一种积极的团队氛围
My supervisor builds a positive group environment
18. 当我遇到问题或有困难时,我的主管可以帮助我解决
When I am in trouble,my supervisor can help me to solve it
19. 我的主管公平对待所有员工
My supervisor treats all employees in the same way
20. 我能在工作与生活之间保持适度的平衡
I could keep balance between my work and life
21. 我的同事尊重我的想法和感受
My colleagues respect my thoughts and feelings
22. 业余时间,我常和同事们一起外出活动
In spare time, I always take outside exercises with colleagues
23. 我的工作具有一定的挑战性,能够充分运用我的知识和技能
My work is challenging,I could make full use of my knowledge and skills
24. 我觉得在公司内还有更适合我的工作
I think there are other positions in the company which suits me better
25. 我有足够的机会来培养从事其它工作所必要的技能
I have enough chances to foster necessary skills which are needed by other works
26. 公司提供必要的培训,帮助我培养重要的技能
Company povides necessary trainings to help me foster important skills
27. 我感觉自己在企业中受到尊重和重视
I get respect and concentration in the company
28. 在工作中,我的意见和观点受到关注
In work,my opinions and advices are focused
29. 公司的人力资源部门能够很好地解决员工关心的问题
HR apartment could solve employees' problems well.
30. 我非常喜欢自己的日常工作
I like my daily work very much
31. 我可以选择如何最合理地完成工作
I could choose how to finish the work reasonably
32. 目前的工作压力对我来说是可以承受的
I could bear present work pressure
33. 我能从自己的工作中得到成就感
I could feel sense of achievement from my work
34. 我觉得公司的管理制度能帮助我有效地工作
Company's management system could help me work effectively
35. 我知道公司对我的期望
I know company's expectation towards me
36. 对于我的工作成绩,我能够获得除薪酬以外的适当肯定
For my working performance,I could gain some additional affirmation except the salary
37. 我在工作中经常能够取得一定的赞美
I could get some praises in work frequently
38. 公司现有的各项资源(如:技术、工具、系统等)有助于我提高工作效率
Various resources in company(technology、instruments and system)could help me to improve the working efficiency
39. 我们的技术和工具使我能够成功地开展工作
Technology and tools could meet the needs of the work
40. 公司有适当的工作(如制定目标和优先次序,项目规划和质量检验)流程,使我能够有效地工作
Company has fitful work(like making aims、priority、project planning and quality inspection)process,which makes me work effectively
41. 公司提供开放的,容纳个体差异的工作环境
Company provides open and comprehensive working environment
42. 相对我为公司作出的贡献,我的薪酬水平是合理的
Compare with my contribution to the company, my salary level is reasonable
43. 总体来说,公司提供的福利项目能够满足我的需求
Genarally speaking, the welfare of comapany is enough for me
44. 我认为公司注重工作安全与保障
I think company focus on working safty and security
45. 即便偶尔会出现差错,也不会影响我继续尝试新事物
Though sometimes I will make mistakes, it won't influence on my trying on new thing
46. 我觉得我的主管或同事关心我的个人情况I think my supervisor cares about my personal information
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