互动活动在学术英语课堂的运用情况调查 (2024春大二下)

Hi everyone! This questionnaire was designed to find out the use of interactive activities in academic English classes and the effects on university students. Also, it aims to collect students' feedback on the academic English class, in order to improve teaching. It will only take you a few minutes to answer questions on the questionnaire. All information will be kept strictly confidential. Thank you for your time! 大家好!这份调查问卷的目的是探究互动活动在学术英语课堂上的运用及其对大学生的影响。同时,收集同学们对于学术英语课程的反馈意见,以便提高教学。问卷调查匿名进行,答案严格保密。完成问卷仅需几分钟,谢谢支持!
1. 性别 gender
2. 专业 major
3. 英语四级成绩
4. 英语学习态度和科研兴趣。请根据实际情况选择最符合的选项。1:完全不同意 → 5. 完全同意。
English study attitudes. Please choose an option that fits you the most. 1: strongly disagree; 5. strongly agree
  • 1完全不同意strongly disagree
  • 2不同意disagree
  • 3中立moderate
  • 4同意agree
  • 5完全同意strongly agree
每一次小组任务group work,我都认真负责地做好工作,没有拖延或者偷懒。
5. 在常规讲授过程中,课上偶尔会穿插互动活动。这两个学期在我们做过的课堂活动中,你喜欢哪一些?
6. 你喜欢在学术英语课上参与互动活动吗? Do you like taking part in interactive activities in English class?
7. 你为什么喜欢在英语课堂上参与互动活动? Why do you like taking part in interactive activities?
8. 你为什么不喜欢在英语课堂上参与互动活动? Why don’t you like taking part in interactive activities?
9. 做互动活动有助于提高你的哪些英语和科研能力?What kinds of English and research abilities have you improved via taking part in interactive activities?
10. 做互动活动有助于提高你的哪些实践能力和思维能力?What kinds of practical and cognitive abilities have you improved via taking part in interactive activities?
11. 互动活动的作用。请根据实际情况选择最符合的选项。1:完全不同意 → 5. 完全同意。
Benefits of taking part in interactive activities. Please choose an option that fits you the most. 1: strongly disagree; 5. strongly agree
  • 1完全不同意strongly disagree
  • 2不同意disagree
  • 3中立moderate
  • 4同意agree
  • 5完全同意strongly agree
做活动时用过的知识点让我印象深刻,能加深理解。I can understand knowledge involved in games well.
做活动让我学会灵活地运用知识。I can apply knowledge learnt more flexibly.
做活动能帮助我更好地理解全英文课堂上的内容。I can better understand the English medium classroom.
做活动让我上课更加专注。I become more focused on class.
做活动让我更加愿意参与到课堂活动中。I’m more willing to participate in English class.
做活动让我喜欢上学术英语课。I like attending academic English class.
做活动让我更主动地去学英语。I become more proactive to learn English.
做活动有利于我和同学建立友谊。I can build friendship with my classmates.
做活动有利于活跃课堂气氛。It can create a stress-free learning environment.
12. 本学期,我们学习了academic language features, critical reading, one-sentence summary, poster writing and poster presentation,做两次presentations等. 你觉得哪些模块的教学或者哪些活动,最有用/最有趣?请举例说明。
13. 你觉得Selena的学术英语课有什么优点?
14. 你觉得该课程有什么需要完善的地方?请提出你的建议。
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