
1. 学院(例:外国语学院)【请填写全称】
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5. 如果我在理解课程的材料时遇到困难,我会去询问他人。

If I were having trouble understanding the material in this class I would ask someone who could help me understand the general ideas. 


Getting help would be one of the first things I would do if I were having trouble in this class. 

7. 在遇到研究问题时寻求帮助的目的是在不费吹灰之力的情况下取得成功。

The purpose of asking somebody for help in this class would be to succeed without having to work as hard. 

8. 在遇到研究问题时获得帮助将是避免做一些工作的一种方式。

Getting help in this class would be a way of avoiding doing some of the work. 

9. 如果我在遇到研究问题时需要帮助,我会觉得自己很失败。

I would feel like a failure if I needed help in this class. 

10. 我不想让任何人发现我在学术研究上需要帮助。

I would not want anyone to find out that I needed help in this class. 

11. 在遇到研究问题时获得帮助将承认我不够聪明,无法自己完成这项工作。

Getting help in this class would be an admission that I am just not smart enough to do the work on my own. 

12. 如果我在遇到研究问题时不明白什么,我会猜测而不是向别人寻求帮助。

If I didnt understand something in this class I would guess rather than ask someone for assistance. 

13. 为了研究的有效性,本题请选“很不符合”
14. 即使工作太难了,我自己也做不了,我也不会要求这门课的帮助。

Even if the work was too hard to do on my own,I wouldn’t ask for help with this class. 

15. 我宁愿在我无法完成的任务上做得更糟,也不愿寻求帮助。

I would rather do worse on an assignment I couldnt finish than ask for help.

16. 如果我在遇到研究问题时寻求帮助,我会问老师不是其他学生

If I were to seek help in this class I would ask the teacher rather than another student. 

17. 我宁愿在遇到研究问题时向另一个学生寻求帮助,而不是向老师寻求帮助。
I would prefer asking another student for help in this class rather than the instructor. (rev) 
18. 我认为在遇到研究问题时,向老师寻求帮助比向学生寻求帮助更加有效。

In this class, the teacher would be better to get help from than would a student.

19. 您是否愿意参与到后续的研究调查中呢?
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