
To effectively know your gains in the training and evaluate of curriculum content, lecturer and organization professional level for providing a reference for us to improve future training, please spend 5-10 minutes to help us complete the following evaluation.Thank you for your support to Cabin Crew Standard and Training Center.
1. 该期培训的授课教员是?
Your instructor
2. 上课日期 Class Date(20XX.XX.XX-20XX.XX.XX)
3. 培训前您对本次训练的目的的了解情况。
Your understanding of the training purpose before training.
4. 培训资料的全面性和质量情况
Comprehensiveness and quality of the training materials.
5. 课程的编排顺序
Curriculum sequence.
6. 培训的保障情况
Training support situation
7. 通过本次培训达到的效果
The effect that your achieve through this training.
8. 通过本次训练是否解决了您的实际问题
Whether have solved your practical problems or not?
9. 课程内容的正确性、系统性和逻辑性
Correctness, systematicness and logicality of course content.
10. 课程案例的适用情况
Applicability of cases in the training.
11. 课程的深浅程度
The difficulty of the course.
12. 培训中练习、讨论和活动安排
Training exercises, discussions and activities.
13. 你喜欢哪种组织形式的CRM课堂活动
What organizational form of CRM classroom activities do you prefer
14. 培训内容在工作岗位的情况
The usage of training content.
15. 本次培训中你认为CRM机组资源管理课程难懂、不好理解的内容有哪些?
What do you think are the difficult and incomprehensible contents of the CRM crew resource management course in this training?

16. 通过本次CRM机组资源管理学习是否有收获
Have you gained anything from this CRM crew resource management learning
17. 培训教员仪表举止
Lecturer’s appearance and behavior.
18. 培训教员业务知识水平
Lecturer’s vocational knowledge level.
19. 培训教员授课速度掌握情况
Lecturer’s teaching speed.
20. 培训教员调节课堂气氛
Lecturer’s adjustment of training atmosphere.
21. 培训教员语言表达能力
Lecturer’s ability of expression.
22. 培训教员接受学员意见、回答学员提问
Lecturers accept the students' opinions and answer the questions.
23. 培训教员课程结束后对重点内容归纳回顾
Lecturer’s summarizes and reviews of the course after training.
24. 培训过程中教员是否存在迟到、早退等违反作风纪律的现象
Whether the teachers are late or leave early in the training process
25. 教员在授课期间是否存在与授课无关的行为
Does the teacher have any behavior irrelevant to the teaching
26. 培训过程中是否出现受贿现象
Whether there is bribery in the training process
27. 您对于本期训练宣布的考试成绩是否存在异议
Do you have any objections to the exam results announced for this training session
28. 您对整体培训过程的评价
Your evaluation of overall training process.
29. 通过本次培训你在哪些方面有所收获?请简要分享本次培训收获,谢谢。Your gains in training.
30. 如果您对培训有倾向的培训方式或建议请写在下面,谢谢。
Your suggestions for our training.
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