Your gender is
2. 您是否在泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店购物过?
Have you ever shopped at Bubble Matthias Campus Store?
是 Yes
否 No
3. 您通常通过什么渠道了解到泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的促销活动?
Through what channels do you usually learn about the promotion activities of Bubble Matthias Campus store?
A 社交媒体 (抖音、小红书…)Social media
B 校园宣传 Campus publicity
C 朋友推荐 Friend recommendation
D 品牌推广 Brand promotion
4. 您认为泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的产品价格如何?
What do you think of the prices of Bubble Matthias Campus store?
A 非常合理Very reasonable
B 有些偏高 Rather expensive
C 过于昂贵 Too expensive
D 不了解 Incomprehension
5. 您在泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店购买产品时,最看重哪些因素?
What factors do you look for most when purchasing products at Bubble Matthias Campus store?
A 产品质量Product quality
B人物形象Character image
D 产品种类Product category
E售后服务After-sales service
6. 您觉得泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的产品种类是否足够丰富?Do you think the product range of Bubble Matthias Campus store is rich enough?
A 非常丰富Vary rich
B 一般 Normal
C 较少 less
D 不确定 indeterminacy
7. 您是否曾因缺乏某种产品而未能在泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店购物?
Have you ever been unable to shop at Bubble Matthias Campus Store due to a lack of a certain product?
A 是Yes
B 否No
8. 您觉得泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的店内环境如何?
What do you think of the environment in Bubble Matthias School Store?
A 非常舒适Very comfortable
B 还可以 Fair enough
C 不太喜欢 Don't like much
D 很差 Vary bad
9. 您会推荐泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店给您的朋友吗?
Would you recommend Bubble Matthias Campus Store to your friends?
A 一定会 Be bound to
B 可能会 Maybe
C 不太可能 Unlikely
D 一定不会 Certainly not
What types of products would you like to add to the Bubble Matthias Campus store?
A 限量版产品 Limited edition product
B 联名产品 Co-branded product
C 主题系列 Thematic series
D 促销产品 Promotional product
11. 您认为泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的营销方式是否需要改进?
Do you think the marketing method of Bubble Matthias campus store needs to be improved?
A 需要 Need
B 不需要 No need
. 您希望通过哪些渠道获得泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的最新信息?
Where would you like to get the latest information about Bubble Matthias Campus?
A 官方网站 Official website
B 社交媒体 Social media
C 邮件订阅 Mail subscription
D 线下宣传 Offline publicity
13. 您对泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的整体满意度如何?
What is your overall satisfaction with Bubble Matthias Campus Store?
A 非常满意 Very satisfied
B 满意 Satisfied
C 一般 Normal
D 不满意 Not satisfied
Please provide your suggestions or comments about Bubble Matthias Campus store: