
Your gender is
2. 您是否在泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店购物过?
Have you ever shopped at Bubble Matthias Campus Store?
3. 您通常通过什么渠道了解到泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的促销活动?
 Through what channels do you usually learn about the promotion activities of Bubble Matthias Campus store?
4. 您认为泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的产品价格如何?
What do you think of the prices of Bubble Matthias Campus store?
5. 您在泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店购买产品时,最看重哪些因素?What factors do you look for most when purchasing products at Bubble Matthias Campus store?
6. 您觉得泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的产品种类是否足够丰富?Do you think the product range of Bubble Matthias Campus store is rich enough?
7. 您是否曾因缺乏某种产品而未能在泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店购物?
Have you ever been unable to shop at Bubble Matthias Campus Store due to a lack of a certain product?
8. 您觉得泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的店内环境如何?
What do you think of the environment in Bubble Matthias School Store?
9. 您会推荐泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店给您的朋友吗?
Would you recommend Bubble Matthias Campus Store to your friends?
10. 您希望泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店增加哪些类型的产品?
What types of products would you like to add to the Bubble Matthias Campus store?
11. 您认为泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的营销方式是否需要改进?
Do you think the marketing method of Bubble Matthias campus store needs to be improved?
12. 您希望通过哪些渠道获得泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的最新信息?
Where would you like to get the latest information about Bubble Matthias Campus?
13. 您对泡泡玛特西亚斯校园店的整体满意度如何?
What is your overall satisfaction with Bubble Matthias Campus Store?
Please provide your suggestions or comments about Bubble Matthias Campus store:
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