
1. Employee Name员工姓名:_________       ID No.工号:_______       
2. Hire Date入职日期:
3. Department部门
4. Level级别
5. Last Date最后工作日:
6. Please select the main reasons that you decide to leave The Ritz-Carlton, Sanya
7. How would you rate the following questions? 你如何评价如下几个方面?
  • 不满意
  • 一般
  • 满意
  • 很满意
Orientation can help me to learn about the product knowledge入职培训可以帮助我了解酒店及文化
Department training can help me to adapt to work very well 部门培训能够帮助我快速适应工作
I know my job responsibility&standard clearly 我清楚我的工作职责及标准
I have opportunities to learn and grow at work 我在工作当中有机会学习和成长
I am empowered to take care of my guests and colleagues 我得到授权为客人和同事服务
I have the opportunities to develop with hotel 酒店为我提供发展空间
My supervisor and co-worker care my personal life and work我觉得我的主管或同事关心我的个人情况
I can get encouragement and recognition at work 在工作中有人鼓励我、认可我
Communications within Your Department 部门内部的沟通
Morale in department 部门员工的士气
8. Which part do you think need improvement?您觉得酒店/部门有哪方面有待提高?
9. Will you come back to work for The Ritz- Carlton?您是否会重新考虑加入丽思卡尔顿酒店?
10. Why?为什么?
11. Going to要去的城市/新的工作单位
12. How would you rate the following in your Department? 您如何评价您的部门如下几个方面?
  • Very Poor 非常差
  • 选项99
  • Poor 差
  • Average 一般
  • Good 好
  • Very good 非常好
Cooperation within Your Department 部门内部的合作
Cooperation with Other Departments 与其他部门的合作
On-the-Job Training 岗位培训
Communications within Your Department 部门内部的沟通
Morale in department 部门员工的士气
Department training 部门内的培训
Development opportunity 发展机会
13. What is your overall assessment of the department manager/director? 您对部门经理/总监的整体评价?
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